Page 36 - Management 16.2
P. 36
lipp Asen, Vito Bobek, and Tatjana Horvat | The Efficiency of Ports and Airports
Hong Kong 2010 50
Hong Kong 2018 71.5
Durban 2010 4.8
Durban 2018 6
Figure 7 Number of Annual Passengers in Millions (based on Airport Authority Hong Kong 2020 and Airports
Company South Africa 2020)
Hong Kong 2010 300
Hong Kong 2018 420
Durban 2010 54
Durban 2018 51.1
Figure 8 Number Annual Air Traffic Movements in Thousands (based on Hong Kong International Airport n.d.b and
Airports Company South Africa 2020)
movements per year and two runways in opera- ban. Therefore, we had to abandon our plans to
tion (Hong Kong International Airport n.d.a). In do a correlation analysis. It was impossible to find
Durban, air traffic movements slightly declined, year-to-year numbers, and it was already hard to
which is an interesting fact. This means fewer re- find numbers from ten years ago and some re-
gional flights but more international flights with cent numbers to compare them and see the de-
larger aircraft with more seats for passengers (fig- velopment. Furthermore, it was difficult to differ-
ure 8). entiate the data as they had different definitions.
Port-related jobs are an example. Here, it was not
As a medium airport, Durban has an on-time easy to differentiate as most of the time the data
performance of 84.3 compared to the mega air- stated that all jobs which are in any way related to
port in Hong Kong with 76.4 (oag Aviation the port or airport are taken into account.
Worldwide 2020). Considering the size of both,
these times are quite good, as it is expected that The 21st Century Maritime Silk Road is de-
smaller airports are more punctual than bigger signed to go from China’s coast to Europe through
ones. the South China Sea and the Indian Ocean with
smooth, secure and efficient transport routes
Conclusion connecting major seaports along the Belt and
In conclusion, it can be said that infrastructure Road where Hong Kong and Durban are very im-
is very important for a country’s economy, and portant hubs. The Maritime Silk Road is the mar-
ports and airports contribute to the gross do- itime component of China’s Belt and Road Ini-
mestic product and reduce unemployment. Of tiative (bri). It complements the various non-
course, the size is essential, but there is more to maritime activities stimulated by the Chinese
mention. Key performance indicators like con- government that relate to transport, energy and
tainer dwell time, average turnaround time, or communication infrastructure in developing coun-
total cargo handled are essential. In most of these tries, and between China and Europe. It will cre-
indicators, Hong Kong outperforms Durban mas- ate better and new opportunities for economic
sively, as they work more efficiently with fewer development of both seaports and airports.
people employed. Furthermore, the port in Dur-
ban has much higher fees for the same amount References
of cargo than Hong Kong and therefore is not aiq Consulting. 2018. ‘Passenger Experience – Why is
very attractive for many shipments. However,
even though Durban is nowhere near the size of it Important for Airports?’ 6 June. https://www
Hong Kong, the port and airport are essential for
their economy, and they keep improving. Both -experience-why-is-it-important-for-airports/.
cities have ambitious plans for the future, lead- Airport Authority Hong Kong. 2020. Building for the
ing them in the right direction of becoming more Future: Annual Report 2019/20. Hong Kong: Airport
developed. Authority Hong Kong.
Airports Company South Africa. 2020. 2019 Integrated
It was challenging to find good papers and data Report. Johannesburg: Airports Company South
for both cities’ ports and airports, especially Dur- Africa.
Airports Company South Africa. N.d. ‘Passenger Statis-
80 management 16 (2021) številka 2
Hong Kong 2010 50
Hong Kong 2018 71.5
Durban 2010 4.8
Durban 2018 6
Figure 7 Number of Annual Passengers in Millions (based on Airport Authority Hong Kong 2020 and Airports
Company South Africa 2020)
Hong Kong 2010 300
Hong Kong 2018 420
Durban 2010 54
Durban 2018 51.1
Figure 8 Number Annual Air Traffic Movements in Thousands (based on Hong Kong International Airport n.d.b and
Airports Company South Africa 2020)
movements per year and two runways in opera- ban. Therefore, we had to abandon our plans to
tion (Hong Kong International Airport n.d.a). In do a correlation analysis. It was impossible to find
Durban, air traffic movements slightly declined, year-to-year numbers, and it was already hard to
which is an interesting fact. This means fewer re- find numbers from ten years ago and some re-
gional flights but more international flights with cent numbers to compare them and see the de-
larger aircraft with more seats for passengers (fig- velopment. Furthermore, it was difficult to differ-
ure 8). entiate the data as they had different definitions.
Port-related jobs are an example. Here, it was not
As a medium airport, Durban has an on-time easy to differentiate as most of the time the data
performance of 84.3 compared to the mega air- stated that all jobs which are in any way related to
port in Hong Kong with 76.4 (oag Aviation the port or airport are taken into account.
Worldwide 2020). Considering the size of both,
these times are quite good, as it is expected that The 21st Century Maritime Silk Road is de-
smaller airports are more punctual than bigger signed to go from China’s coast to Europe through
ones. the South China Sea and the Indian Ocean with
smooth, secure and efficient transport routes
Conclusion connecting major seaports along the Belt and
In conclusion, it can be said that infrastructure Road where Hong Kong and Durban are very im-
is very important for a country’s economy, and portant hubs. The Maritime Silk Road is the mar-
ports and airports contribute to the gross do- itime component of China’s Belt and Road Ini-
mestic product and reduce unemployment. Of tiative (bri). It complements the various non-
course, the size is essential, but there is more to maritime activities stimulated by the Chinese
mention. Key performance indicators like con- government that relate to transport, energy and
tainer dwell time, average turnaround time, or communication infrastructure in developing coun-
total cargo handled are essential. In most of these tries, and between China and Europe. It will cre-
indicators, Hong Kong outperforms Durban mas- ate better and new opportunities for economic
sively, as they work more efficiently with fewer development of both seaports and airports.
people employed. Furthermore, the port in Dur-
ban has much higher fees for the same amount References
of cargo than Hong Kong and therefore is not aiq Consulting. 2018. ‘Passenger Experience – Why is
very attractive for many shipments. However,
even though Durban is nowhere near the size of it Important for Airports?’ 6 June. https://www
Hong Kong, the port and airport are essential for
their economy, and they keep improving. Both -experience-why-is-it-important-for-airports/.
cities have ambitious plans for the future, lead- Airport Authority Hong Kong. 2020. Building for the
ing them in the right direction of becoming more Future: Annual Report 2019/20. Hong Kong: Airport
developed. Authority Hong Kong.
Airports Company South Africa. 2020. 2019 Integrated
It was challenging to find good papers and data Report. Johannesburg: Airports Company South
for both cities’ ports and airports, especially Dur- Africa.
Airports Company South Africa. N.d. ‘Passenger Statis-
80 management 16 (2021) številka 2