Page 17 - Management 17 (1)
P. 17
r Rižnar Students Beware!
University of Primorska,
Faculty of Management The text is about cognitive biases that teachers, students and policy ma- kers should be aware of when making important decisions about tea-
ching, learning and the education system in general. We all tend to create
our own reality, form opinions that are not exclusively based on facts,
judge situations and other people inaccurately and make illogical deci-
sions. The text is primarily based on Daniel Kahneman’s book Thinking,
Fast and Slow (2011), a book that describes the workings of the mind as an
interaction between two systems: the automatic and very fast System 1
and the effortful but slow System 2. In the final section of the article, the
importance of developing thinking and decision-making skills in both te-
achers and students is emphasized.
Ključne besede: cognitive biases, teaching, learning
Študenti pozor!
Besedilo obravnava nekatere kognitivne pristranskosti, ki se bi jih morali
zavedati učitelji, študenti in oblikovalci izobraževalne politike pri spre-
jemanju pomembnih odločitev o učenju, poučevanju in izobraževalnem
sistemu na splošno. Vsi smo nagnjeni k ustvarjanju lastne resničnosti,
oblikovanju mnenj, ki ne temeljijo izključno na dejstvih, netočnemu
presojanju situacij in drugih ljudi ter sprejemanju nelogičnih odločitev.
Besedilo temelji predvsem na knjigi Daniela Kahnemana z naslovom
Thinking, Fast and Slow (2011), ki opisuje delovanje naših možganov kot
interakcijo med dvema sistemoma: samodejnim in zelo hitrim sistemom
1 ter počasnim sistemom 2, ki zahteva veliko osebnega napora. V zadnjem
delu članka je poudarek na pomenu razvijanja sposobnosti razmišljanja
in odločanja tako pri učiteljih kot pri učencih.
Keywords: kognitivne pristranskosti, poučevanje, učenje
Introduction have a look at Learning with Brain in Mind, a Flip-
The title is used in the sense of Caveat emptor, board magazine on Twitter, for an introduction.
which means buyer beware, the principle that the
customer is responsible for checking the qual- Purpose
ity of goods before buying them. In our case, we This text is about several cognitive biases and
are responsible for taking informed decisions by faulty heuristics – the shortcuts and rules of thumb
investigating thoroughly the situation, thinking by which we make judgments and predictions
about viable alternatives, exploring our options, – which were discussed in the 1970s by Amos
selecting best solutions, constantly evaluating Tversky and Daniel Kahneman. Tversky died in
our plans and, finally, rethinking facts and valu- 1996. Kahneman later won the 2002 Nobel Prize
able pieces of information available to us. This, in Economics for the work the two men did to-
of course, holds true for personal decision mak- gether, which he summarized in his 2011 best
ing, business decision making and consumer de- seller, Thinking, Fast and Slow. Another impor-
cision making, and, as you might have guessed, tant figure in the field is the renowned economist
for teachers and students. Richard Thaler. One of the biases he’s most linked
with is the endowment effect, which forces us to
The inspiration for the text has come mainly place an irrationally high value on our posses-
from Daniel Kahneman’s book Thinking, Fast and sions. Thaler won the Nobel Prize in Economics
Slow (2011). To some extent, mind and brain re- in 2017.
search is also an important source – if time allows,
management 17 (2022) številka 1 17
University of Primorska,
Faculty of Management The text is about cognitive biases that teachers, students and policy ma- kers should be aware of when making important decisions about tea-
ching, learning and the education system in general. We all tend to create
our own reality, form opinions that are not exclusively based on facts,
judge situations and other people inaccurately and make illogical deci-
sions. The text is primarily based on Daniel Kahneman’s book Thinking,
Fast and Slow (2011), a book that describes the workings of the mind as an
interaction between two systems: the automatic and very fast System 1
and the effortful but slow System 2. In the final section of the article, the
importance of developing thinking and decision-making skills in both te-
achers and students is emphasized.
Ključne besede: cognitive biases, teaching, learning
Študenti pozor!
Besedilo obravnava nekatere kognitivne pristranskosti, ki se bi jih morali
zavedati učitelji, študenti in oblikovalci izobraževalne politike pri spre-
jemanju pomembnih odločitev o učenju, poučevanju in izobraževalnem
sistemu na splošno. Vsi smo nagnjeni k ustvarjanju lastne resničnosti,
oblikovanju mnenj, ki ne temeljijo izključno na dejstvih, netočnemu
presojanju situacij in drugih ljudi ter sprejemanju nelogičnih odločitev.
Besedilo temelji predvsem na knjigi Daniela Kahnemana z naslovom
Thinking, Fast and Slow (2011), ki opisuje delovanje naših možganov kot
interakcijo med dvema sistemoma: samodejnim in zelo hitrim sistemom
1 ter počasnim sistemom 2, ki zahteva veliko osebnega napora. V zadnjem
delu članka je poudarek na pomenu razvijanja sposobnosti razmišljanja
in odločanja tako pri učiteljih kot pri učencih.
Keywords: kognitivne pristranskosti, poučevanje, učenje
Introduction have a look at Learning with Brain in Mind, a Flip-
The title is used in the sense of Caveat emptor, board magazine on Twitter, for an introduction.
which means buyer beware, the principle that the
customer is responsible for checking the qual- Purpose
ity of goods before buying them. In our case, we This text is about several cognitive biases and
are responsible for taking informed decisions by faulty heuristics – the shortcuts and rules of thumb
investigating thoroughly the situation, thinking by which we make judgments and predictions
about viable alternatives, exploring our options, – which were discussed in the 1970s by Amos
selecting best solutions, constantly evaluating Tversky and Daniel Kahneman. Tversky died in
our plans and, finally, rethinking facts and valu- 1996. Kahneman later won the 2002 Nobel Prize
able pieces of information available to us. This, in Economics for the work the two men did to-
of course, holds true for personal decision mak- gether, which he summarized in his 2011 best
ing, business decision making and consumer de- seller, Thinking, Fast and Slow. Another impor-
cision making, and, as you might have guessed, tant figure in the field is the renowned economist
for teachers and students. Richard Thaler. One of the biases he’s most linked
with is the endowment effect, which forces us to
The inspiration for the text has come mainly place an irrationally high value on our posses-
from Daniel Kahneman’s book Thinking, Fast and sions. Thaler won the Nobel Prize in Economics
Slow (2011). To some extent, mind and brain re- in 2017.
search is also an important source – if time allows,
management 17 (2022) številka 1 17