Page 13 - Management 19 (2024), številka 1
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Jakob Wieland et al. | An Exploration of Traditional Approaches to Leadership
associated with effective leadership: technical all situations. Therefore, they are called univer-
skills, interpersonal skills, and conceptual skills sal theories. In the 1960s, it became clear that
(Yukl 2010, chap. 6). Technical skills involve there was no one best leadership style that suited
knowledge of methods, processes, and relevant all situations (Lussier and Achua 2016, chap 2).
tools. Interpersonal skills refer to understanding The most effective leadership behaviour often
the feelings of others, knowing their motives, and depends on the situation. As a result, the lead-
communicating clearly and effectively. Conceptu- ership paradigm shifted toward contingency the-
al skills encompass logical thinking, creativity for ory. Contingency leadership theory attempts to
generating new ideas and problem-solving, antic- explain appropriate leadership styles based on
ipating changes and events, and analysing trends the leader, followers, and the situation. In other
to identify opportunities. words, given situational variables, what charac-
teristics and/or behaviours will lead to leadership
Behavioural Approach success?
Another leadership approach is the behaviour Yukl (2010) illustrates various models of con-
approach, which was proposed by researchers in tingency leadership theories. These include:
the 1950s as a response to the traits approach. • Leader Effectiveness – this model suggests
This approach proposes focusing on observing
and analysing how leaders actually manage their that the effectiveness of a leader can be eva-
activities and how they behave (Yukl 2010, chap. luated by considering the performance of
1). Behaviours are often connected and based on • Leadership Continuum Theory – according
specific traits which make up leadership style to this theory, leadership styles are placed
(Lussier and Achua 2010, chap. 1). on a continuum, taking into account the
The behavioural approach aims to identify
categories of behaviours important for effective authority and freedom existing between the
leadership and measures them based on how leader and subordinates.
often managers or leaders use them. Various • Path-Goal Theory – this theory proposes
that leaders should influence employees’
categories of effective leadership behaviours ex- perceptions of their goals and guide them
ist (Yukl 2010, chap. 3; Burns 1978; Bass 1985). along the paths toward goal attainment.
Differently-oriented behaviours are usually de- • Normative Theory – this theory provides
scribed as (Yukl 2010, chap. 3):
guidance on when a manager should take
• Task-Oriented (or Job-Oriented) – conta- charge or delegate decision-making author-
ins those behaviours that relate to ensuring ity to the group.
that the work is done in an appropriate way.
• Relations-Oriented – consists of behaviours The contingency theory paradigm emphasizes
connected with relationships with employ- the importance of situational factors, including
ees such as helping with solving problems, the type of work performed, the external envi-
ronment, and characteristics of followers. One
consulting, considering their opinions and aspect of this research is to find out the extent to
treating them equally.
• Change-Oriented – focuses on the envi- which leadership efforts are the same or different
ronment and understanding its conditions given various organizations, management levels
to be able to adapt to ongoing changes. It and cultures.
requires openness to innovations and ap- Method
plying changes in the company’s strategies, The traditional approaches to leadership outlined
processes and products. in the previous section are part of many univer-
• External Leadership – encompasses activ- sity leadership courses worldwide. The first three
ities and behaviours of leaders in contact
with people outside of the organization, co-authors of this article are master’s Erasmus
such as networking, environmental/exter- students at the Faculty of Management of the
nal scanning and representing. University of Primorska, where we followed the
course Leadership for 8 weeks, between October
and November 2023. As part of this course, we de-
Contingency Approach cided to strengthen our knowledge of traditional
Both trait and behavioural leadership theories approaches by developing an interview question-
attempt to find an optimal leadership style in naire probing into leadership approaches.
management 19 (2024) številka 1 13