Page 15 - Management 19 (2024), številka 1
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Jakob Wieland et al. | An Exploration of Traditional Approaches to Leadership

                to give more to the community, [...] to give more   interviewee underscored  the  transformation  in
                opportunities.’2 In the NGO there are at least 18   motivation when transitioning from an employ-
                volunteers. LDA Europe provides a variety of pro-  ee to a leader and owner. As a leader, every goal
                grammes, trainings, workshops and conferences   achieved brings the individual closer to their vi-
                to develop young people and give them work op-  sion, serving as a self-rewarding mechanism. The
                portunities. After founding the NGO, he moved   drive to work hard was emphasized, portraying
                to the USA, working for Open Government Part-  the leader’s commitment to realizing their goals
                nership. Based on this experience he founded his   and creating a meaningful impact.
                own business, the consultancy LDA Digital Solu-  Next, we asked about leadership behaviours.
                tions. There are five employees in the firm, which   According to the answers, we found it is difficult
                crafts customer relationship management (CRM)   to change behaviour as a leader. For instance, ac-
                transformations and supports the implementa-  cording to the interviewee, different behaviours
                tion of Salesforce technologies.           are expected from the leader of an  NGO than
                                                           from the leader of a private company. The inter-
                Interview Observations and Findings        viewee described how when he opened his private
                First, we discussed traits and personality. On the   company, he adopted the same leadership style
                questions of traits, the interviewee stressed the   (openness) as in the NGO. This did not work very
                importance of vision, empathy, and inclusiveness   well because when he behaved similarly to how he
                in effective leadership. A visionary approach that   did in the NGO, it was taken as a weakness by the
                includes the team’s ideas is crucial for success.   employees.  This shows the connection between
                In his view, empathy and inclusiveness contrib-  behaviour and contingency approaches, namely,
                ute to a positive work environment, considering   that context (contingency approaches) informs
                team members’ needs and fostering creativity.   effective leadership behaviours, as described in
                Charisma and creativity were also noted as es-  the literature.
                sential, creating motivation and a dynamic work-  Another relevant case the interviewee pre-
                place culture.                             sented to us was the importance of networking in
                  When asked about personal aspirations to-  his business and NGO because that is the way to
                wards leadership, the interviewee shared an an-  get new ideas, opportunities, and a chance to cre-
                ecdote. As a young person, the interviewee had   ate cooperative relationships, personal growth,
                dreamt of becoming an astronaut or a president   or growing confidence. This example shows that
                and making impactful changes in the world. This   some behaviours, notably networking, are effec-
                anecdote supports the theory that dominance, or   tive in both the firm and non-profit working en-
                the assertiveness of a person, is a relevant trait in   vironments.
                predicting someone becoming a leader (Lips and   To ensure that the work is accomplished in
                Keener 2007).                              the organization the interviewee drew attention
                  In terms of personality, the interviewee admit-  to such aspects as defining tasks, using SMART
                ted that his inclination towards being easy-going   (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and
                and sociable changed over time. While working   Time-Bound) goals, and properly dedicating the
                in the  USA, a more extroverted persona devel-  tasks to the right person based on their qualifica-
                oped through constant engagement with differ-  tions or even their interests. These descriptions
                ent  people and  networks,  and under  the influ-  broadly meet the commonly discussed behav-
                ence of the American culture. Despite not being   iours in the literature as described in the theo-
                a born extrovert, the interviewee acknowledged   retical section.
                the value of networking in professional growth,   When it comes to supporting and developing
                expressing a wish to have embraced it earlier.   people, the interviewee mentioned that the most
                Based on this answer we can conclude that traits   important thing is to communicate effectively.
                (e.g. extroversion) and behaviours (e.g. network-  Furthermore, he suggested creating a bond with
                ing) are connected as postulated in leadership   employees and organizing social activities to in-
                approaches.                                crease collaboration.
                  The discussion  then  delved into  the  impor-  Additionally, our interviewee described pay-
                tance of hard work and accomplishments. The   ing a lot of attention to the motivation of his
                                                           employees, which we did not include in the in-
                2  Interview with Marilo Meta, Koper, 9 November,   terview questionnaire. He presented the differ-
                  2023.                                    ence between motivating employees in a private

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