Page 14 - Management 19 (2024), številka 1
P. 14

Jakob Wieland et al. | An Exploration of Traditional Approaches to Leadership

                  Table 1:   Interview Questions
                  Question(s) and sub questions  Approach  Explanation
                  In your opinion, what traits are impor-  Trait   Trait approach is about traits and personalities; general
                  tant for a person to be considered a good   question to get the discussion on traits going (Lussier and
                  leader?                                  Achua 2016, chap. 2)
                  Did you always want to be a leader?  Trait   Testing dominance; studies show that those wanting to
                                                           become leaders are more likely to become ones (Lips and
                                                           Keener 2007)
                  Do you consider yourself an easy-going   Trait   Extraversion is one of the big five personality traits, which
                  person (meaning for instance that you    research has shown has a strong correlation with leaderlike
                  like to meet new people)?                behaviour (Judge et al. 2002). Being easy-going is a trait of
                                                           the extrovert personality.
                  To what extent do you have the drive to  Trait   Extraversion is one of the big five personality traits, which
                  work hard?                               research has shown has a strong correlation with leaderlike
                                                           behaviour (Judge et al. 2002). Working hard is a trait of the
                                                           extrovert personality.
                  Have you tried to change your behaviours  Behavioural  Behavioural approach – to get the discussion on behaviours
                  as a leader? If yes, which ones?         going (Lussier and Achua 2016, chap. 3)
                  To what extent is networking important  Behavioural  Probing the importance of networking as a behaviour that
                  for your job?                            is emphasized for leadership success (Lussier and Achua
                                                           2016, chap. 3)
                  How do you ensure that work is accom-  Behavioural  Probing into job-orientated behaviours (Lussier and Achua
                  plished in your organization (i.e. that pe-  2016, chap. 3)
                  ople understand what the task/goal is)?
                  How do you support and develop the   Behavioural  Probing into employee-orientation behaviours (Lussier and
                  people that you work with?               Achua 2016, chap. 3)
                  Do you behave differently while heading a Contingency  The basic premise of the contingency approach is that lea-
                  company compared to heading an NGO?      dership is situational – what works for one situation might
                                                           not work for another (Lussier and Achua 2016, chap. 2)
                  What personality traits of yours come in  Contingency  The basic premise of the contingency approach is that lea-
                  handy when heading an NGO compared       dership is situational – what works for one situation might
                  to your private company?                 not work for another (Lussier and Achua 2016, chap. 2)

                         The course teacher dedicated four-hour ses-  Meta, an intern at the Faculty of Management, to
                      sions to discuss leadership approaches, totalling   pilot the questionnaire.1 The interview took place
                      eight sessions. These sessions, which also includ-  on 14 November 2023 and was recorded with
                      ed student presentations, extended beyond tra-  Zoom and transcribed using Microsoft Word AI
                      ditional approaches to leadership. They covered   tools. The respondent agreed to go on the record
                      topics such  as  followership,  transformational   with his full name. No other personal data than
                      leadership, charismatic leadership, adaptive lead-  name, surname and email were collected. The re-
                      ership,  and  collaborative  leadership.  However,   search data is stored under a password-protected
                      we decided to focus on traditional approaches, as   folder in a university account with access only by
                      these were presented earlier in the course. This   the authors of this article.
                      decision allowed us to spend more time reflect-  Marilo Meta has an interesting leadership pro-
                      ing on their relevance and gaining confidence in   file. Meta leads an NGO and a private firm, both of
                      their application. After each session, we formulat-  which are based in Albania. He studied computer
                      ed a set of questions to probe the content of each   science and worked in IT as a first job. He then
                      leadership approach. Table 1 provides the list of   moved to work for the Albanian State Police. In
                      questions we devised under the supervision of the   2016, disillusioned with the state of corruption in
                      course teacher.                             Albania, he left the police and founded the NGO
 tab 1
                         The formulation of interview questions was a   LDA Europe. The respondent recalled: ‘I wanted
                      good exercise to actively reflect on the traditional
                      approaches. Yet we also wanted to test how well   1  Marilo Meta visited the University of Primorska
                      the questionnaire worked. Therefore, we decided   under the AI-NURECC PLUS Transnational Mobility
                      to pilot the interview questionnaire. The teach-  Experience (
                      er of the course suggested that we invite Marilo   /portfolio/ai-nurecc-plus/).

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