Page 61 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 3(1) (2015). Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press.
P. 61
ia universitatispomaga z odgledovanjem ustnic in obraznega izraza. ers the diversity and creates opportunities for a more ac-
5 | v. kiswar day, a. ker mauner in k. dr ljić – ar heologija za vse ... 61 Zato je pomembno, da je govorec pri sporočanju obr- tive participation for everyone. Our intention with the
njen proti osebi z motnjami sluha, njegov obraz mora Project Archaeology for all is to offer a quality experi-
biti ustrezno osvetljen, pri govoru ne sme, uporablja- ence of the Archaeological park of Simonov zaliv that
ti preveč abstraktnih izrazov. Pri osebah z lažjo motnjo provides higher accessibility and choices on the basis of
sluha moramo biti pozorni tudi na to, da okolje ni pre- a person’s special needs, interests and ability. The Place-
več hrupno. Pri osebah z govorno-jezikovnimi mot- ment of Children with Special Needs Act defines nine
njami je pomembno, da dosledno upoštevamo načela groups of persons with special needs: persons with intel-
dobre komunikacije. Prav tako pomembna je tudi ne- lectual disabilities, blind persons and persons with visual
verbalna komunikacija v obliki slikovnega in konkret- impairment, deaf persons and persons with hearing im-
nega materiala. Osebam z motorično in gibalno ovi- pairment, persons with speech problems, persons with
ranostjo zagotavljamo več senzornih in motoričnih physical disabilities, persons with long-term illnesses,
izkušenj, preko katerih si lahko ustvarjajo lastne pred- persons with learning problems in specific fields of ed-
stave. Delovni prostor mora biti prilagojen. Potrebuje- ucation, persons with emotional and behavioural dis-
jo več časa, da se na dejavnost pripravijo in jo izvedejo. orders and persons with an autistic spectrum disorder.
Osebe z motnjami v čustvovanju in vedenju in v social- The knowledge of some characteristics of persons with
ni interakciji lahko veččutne izkušnje pritegnejo. Ne- special needs such as limitation in perception, under-
kateri potrebujejo pri dejavnostih več jasnih usmeritev, standing, communication etc. can help to a better un-
drugi pa več možnosti lastnega izražanja. Pomembno je, derstanding of the barriers and guide us to make ad-
da jim damo priložnost za pozitivno potrjevanje. Ose- justments which give the possibility of a more active
bam z motnjami avtističnega spektra informacije po- inclusion and learning about cultural and natural herit-
dajamo jedrnato. V pomoč so jim sheme, ki so verbal- age. In the article we expose only the most pronounced
no podprte in s pomočjo katerih si lahko predstavljajo characteristics of people with special needs. Hereinaf-
celoto (npr. načrt prostora). Ker ne marajo nepredvidlji- ter, we summarized the adjustments for each group of
vosti, morajo biti dejavnosti dobro strukturirane. Osebe people with special needs:
s primanjkljaji na posameznih področjih učenja potre- Persons with intellectual disabilities need short and un-
bujejo pomoč v obliki kratkih smernic, shem in navodil ambiguous instructions. They learn through demon-
postopkov. Po večini lažje sprejemajo informacije, ki so strations and concrete illustrations. Persons with intel-
jim podane po vidni poti. lectual disabilities can have a pronounced artistic sense.
V zaključku pričujočega članka ugotavljamo, da večču- Blind persons and the persons with visual impairment
tno izkustveno učenje povezuje vse skupine oseb s po- need adaptation of information on the basis of which
sebnimi potrebami. Prilagoditve osebam s posebnimi reading technique they use – print or Brail. In both cas-
potrebami omogočajo večjo dostopnost in vključenost es we have to plan adjustment carefully. Audible and
ter priložnost za aktivno participacijo. Obenem pa pozi- tactile devices enable them as much as possible to get a
tivno nagovarjajo tudi tiste, ki prilagoditev ne potrebu- clear picture of the environment that surrounds them.
jejo nujno, a so za njih razbremenjujoče in prijetne, neka- Most of the deaf or persons with hearing impairment
tere pa tudi zanimive v smislu spoznavanja samega sebe help themselves in accepting voice information by ob-
in izkustvenega preizkušanja lastnih zmogljivosti. Na ta serving the movement of the lips and facial expressions.
način dvigujemo kakovost doživetja kulturne in narav- When talking with persons with hearing impairment
ne dediščine za vse. we must be turned toward them, the face of the per-
son that is speaking has to be appropriately illuminat-
Summary ed and too many abstract words should not be applied.
With persons with mild hearing impairment we have to
Inclusive environment is a universally rich environment be careful that the environment is not too noisy. With
which is oriented toward students’ diversity and takes persons with speech problems it is important that we
into account sensory, physical, didactical and curricu- strictly apply principles of good communication. Fur-
lar factors. Universally designed environment consid-
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