Page 52 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 5(1) (2017)
P. 52
dia universitatis her editati, letnik 5 (2017), številk a 1 52by MKF&AT and Bosnic+Dorotic – looking atement on offer to the tourist, Apoxyomenos is
the media coverage relating to the statue. gradually becoming a brand and a basis for cul­
hereditati tural tourism, and as such it makes an essential
In the build-up to the grand unveiling, the contribution to the economy of the region.
“olive passage” is a staircase made of olivewood,
with inset chambers containing natural ele­ The presentation of Apoxyomenos is now
ments such as wood and leaves originally found entering its next phase in which it will grow
inside the sculpture. The scent of oil and olives is out of its geographical boundaries and become
also pumped into the room as visitors get a first an integral part of wider promotional and pres­
glimpse at Apoxyomenos. entation networks. An obvious course of action
would be to establish one or more routes along
By visiting and experiencing those various, the eastern Adriatic coast, which would be used
dynamic and impressive rooms, and by getting to present the underwater heritage – and also
acquainted with their content, visitors are get­ the land heritage connected to it – of the Roman
ting ready for the final scene: the “White Room”, Empire, or of the whole the classical antiquity
a completely white and silent room whose walls (which would then also include Greek colonies).
are covered in textile, and whose only tenant is The next step would be setting up an Adriat­
the bronze Apoxyomenos. After meeting the ic network which would also include archaeo­
sculpture, the visitors get to experience one final logical sites on the Italian coast, and in Monte­
emotion by visiting the “Kaleidoscope Room”, negro and Albania, and possibly also in Greece.
a lookout at the top of the Museum situated The third most important step would be the in­
in a space in which various sequences from the clusion of the Croatian coast in similar Medi­
Lošinj harbour are reflected in the mirrors on terranean routes which are already operational
the ceiling. (Fig.9. Kaleidoscope room, photo or are being developed. This refers particular­
Bosnic&Dorotic) ly to the routes established within the Europe­
an Commission’s projects, since it would facili­
This museum activates all the senses. tate their future funding by the European funds.
The opening of the Museum of Apoxy­ One such route includes the most important
omenos in Mali Lošinj – the first museum on the underwater-archaeology sites in the Mediterra­
Adriatic fully dedicated to underwater archaeol­ nean. With its contents, the Museum of Apox­
ogy – indirectly presents the northern Adriatic yomenos satisfies all the criteria for inclusion
(the Kvarner Bay) as an area of high classical civi­ in the most prestigious presentation networks,
lization. In this museum exhibition, one exhibit, which would enable it to become a driving force
presented in an entirely modern concept of artis­ of development, quality-raising and inclusion of
tic projection and promotion, changes the per­ further Croatian destinations into such and sim­
ception of the cultural-heritage space, extending ilar networks.
it from the coast to under the sea.
The ever-growing public interest in under­ Povzetek
water cultural heritage has changed the percep­
tion of underwater archaeology, and even the Nedavno odprti Apoksiomenov Muzej v Malem Loši-
local community has begun to see it as a scien­ nju – prvi muzej na Jadranu, ki je v celoti posvečen pod-
tific discipline which is not an end in itself, but vodni arheologiji – naravnost predstavlja severni Jadran
serves and benefits the community. Thus under­ (Kvarnerski zaliv) kot prostor visoke civilizacije v antiki.
water archaeology, and underwater archaeologi­ V tej muzejski postavitvi en razstavljeni predmet, pred-
cal heritage, have become an exceptionally valua­ stavljen na povsem moderen način umetniške projekcije
ble ‘home-made product’, a resource for cultural in promocije, spreminja dojemanje kulturno dediščin-
tourism and the local economy. skega prostora, ki ga širi od obale do podvodnega sve-
In such a social environment, from being ta. Rastoči javni interes za podvodno kulturno dedišči-
a tourist attraction and the most important el­
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