Page 53 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 5(1) (2017)
P. 53
ia universitatisno je spremenil dojemanje podvodne arheologije, da jo Antički Grci na tlu Hrvatske, 91-101.
apox yomenos – underwater cultur al her itage and museum ... 53 je celo lokalna skupnost začela prepoznavati kot znan- Zagreb: Galerija Klovićevi dvori, 2010.
stveno disciplino, ki ni namenjena sama sebi, pač pa slu- Zaninović, Marin. »Apsorus i Crexa na
ži interesom skupnosti. V takšnem družbenem okolju Jadranskom putu«. Senjski zbornik: prilozi
Apoxyomenos, ki se je iz turistične atrakcije prelevil v za geografiju, etnologiju, gospodarstvo,
enega najpomembnejših členov turistične ponudbe, povijest i kulturu, 32/1 (2005), 5-24.
postopoma postaja tržna znamka in temelj kulturnega
turizma, kot tak pa bistveno prispeva h gospodarski sli-
ki regije.


The opening of the Apoxyomenos Museum in Mali
Lošinj—the first museum on the Adriatic fully dedicat-
ed to underwater archaeology—indirectly presents the
northern Adriatic (the Kvarner Bay) as an area of high
classical civilisation. In this museum exhibition, one ex-
hibit, presented in an entirely modern concept of artistic
projection and promotion, changes the perception of
the cultural-heritage space, extending it from the coast
to under the sea. The ever-growing public interest in un-
derwater cultural heritage has changed the perception
of underwater archaeology, and even the local commu-
nity has begun seeing it as a scientific discipline, which
is not an end in itself, but serves and benefits the com-
munity. In this societal environment, from being a tour-
ist attraction and the most important of elements on of-
fer to the tourist, Apoxyomenos is gradually becoming
a brand and basis of cultural tourism, and as such makes
an essential contribution to the economy of the region.


Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspective.
Osor u kulturnim kontaktima mlađeg
željeznog doba/ A Coherance of perspective.
Osor in cultural contacts during the Late
Iron Age. Koper: Založba Univerze na
Primorskem, 2015.

Ettinger Starčić, Zrinka. Underwater
archaeological sites of the Lošinj Archipelago,
Mali Lošinj, 2013.

Kozličić, Mithad. Historijska geografija istočnog
Jadrana u starom vijeku, Split: Književni
krug, 1990.

Radić Rossi, Irena. »Plovidba Jadranom u
grčko doba«. In: J. Poklečki Stošić (ed),
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