Page 55 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 5(1) (2017)
P. 55
ia SWOT analysis of potentials of diving tourismuniversitatis
55and underwater heritage in Croatia, Slovenia and Montenegro

Ana Šilović, cultural tourism consultant

Namen pričujočega besedila je analizirati razvojne potenciale potapljaškega turizma na Jadranu, in sicer
na destinacijah Izola, Mali Lošinj, Prvić in Budva. S pomočjo analize SWOT so v kontekstu splošnih
pogojev opisane prednosti, pomanjkljivosti, priložnosti in pasti za razvoj trga za sodobni potapljaški tu-
rizem. Poseben poudarek je namenjen antični podvodni in drugi dediščini Jadrana ter njenemu poten-
cialu, da postane edinstven del trženja potapljaškega turizma na Jadranu.
Ključne besede: potapljaški turizem, podvodna antična dediščina, destinacije, potapljači, Jadransko morje

The aim of this paper is to analyse potentials for development of diving tourism in Adriatic sea in des-
tinations Izola, Mali Lošinj, Prvić and Budva. By using the tools of SWOT analysis each destination’s
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats has been described in the context of general condi-
tions affecting the development of contemporary diving tourism market. Special emphasis is given to
the Adriatic underwater and other heritage from ancient period as to anylise its potential to become
unique selling point of diving tourism in Adriatic sea.
Keywords: diving tourism, underwater ancient heritage, destination, divers, Adriatic sea

Macro-Environment: Diving Tourism According to the PADI (Professional Asso-
ciation of Diving Instructors), 2/3 of all Europe-
The world’s largest broadcasting mar- an divers are men, highly educated with high-in-
ket for diving tourism is Europe where come, active, healthy lifestyle advocates whose
this segment of tourism is very well de- usual diving trip takes 10 days.
veloped in most of the countries. Diving from a
very specialized activity has developed into one Among divers’ tourists we differentiate 3
of the most popular water sports whose market market segments:
is very well organized since most divers are mem-
bers of diving clubs or centres making them easy Recreational divers
target to marketing. This is the largest segment that accounts for
about 70% of all European diver’s tourists.
Product Description And Tourist Profile This type prefers a combination of diving and
Diving tourism is a niche in the sports / non-diving activities in the destination where
adrenaline tourism market and refers to besides attractive underwater locations, com-
those trips which main purpose is diving in- fort, culture, quality food and an attractive
volving also a large range of recreational div- non-diving program, such as sports activities or
ing activities. cultural events, are also important. Passengers
in this segment spend 40-50% of their travel in
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