Page 57 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 5(1) (2017)
P. 57
ia universitatis3.2 million people and every year 826,000 are on - diversification of products (eg diving in gla­
swot analysis of potentials of diving tour ism and underwater her itage ... 57their way. ciers or underwater photography courses)

Trends Benchmarking Analyses Of Main
- mobile applications Competing Destinations To Adriatic

Table 1

Competitore Considera- Strenghts and Weaknesses Summary.
destination tions What actions can the Adriatic destinations
Egypt/Red Sea Strengths: All year destination. Water 15 ⁰C in Jan
Seasonality to 29 ⁰C in September. do in order to become more competitive
Quality Weaknesses: None. on the diving tourism market?
of dive sites Strengths: Excellent variety – includes Thistlegorm
Wreck (sunk 1941) and ranked 4th most popular Egypt and the Red Sea offer a relatively inexpen-
Aquatic life dive site in the world. sive medium-haul location from the main Europe-
and variety Weaknesses: wreck sites are particularly prone to an dive markets. Their main strengths include the
archaeological theft – destroying the integrity of unique variety of Red Sea wildlife and an impressive
Prices some sites. array of ship wrecks. This destination is home to 3 of
(divebooker. Strengths: Large variety of fish and plant species the top ten dive sites in the world.
com) - just under 20% are endemic to the Red Sea, pro- Disadvantages include the additional time and costs
viding a relatively unique marine life compared to of travel when compared to European destinations
Distance from Mediterranean destinations that host more gener- and relatively expensive costs for equipment hire.
outbound mar- ic species. A review of reviews (
kets Weaknesses: None. highlights some negative feedback about the lack of
Distance Strengths: There are numerous hotels in the Red a ‘personal’ approach from some of the dive schools.
between dive Sea that specialise in dive tourism and which pro- Divers have suggested that the focus of some
sites vide competitive package prices that include schools is to fill boats and find sites that are suitable
Popularity flights/hotel and diving tuition/equipment. for all levels of divers and
with main Prices: snorkelers, possibly limiting opportunities for more
European 2 dives with an instruction / one day-30-35 € experienced divers to try more challenging dives.
Outbound 10 dives with instruction / 5 days 120-175 €. Given the range of aquatic life and quality of many
Markets Equipment rental -10-20 € per day. of the dive sites, the Red Sea is likely to remain a
Quality of Cheaper than the Adriatic. popular competing destination in the long-term.
non-diving The Adriatic and its diving centres can be compet-
tourist offer Strenghts: Good flight connections with majority itive in quality of service and focus on personalized
of European markets. service that targets individual diver’s expectations
Weakness: 4-6 h by plane from 4 main European and is less focused on numbers.
outbound markets. Approx 1 to 2 additional hour’s Possibilities are bigger for shorter trips throughout
flight time. More expensive destination for travel. the year because the Adriatic is far from the broad-
Weakness: cast market for up to 2 h of flying.
Linear coastline – tourist could be isolated when Possibilities for improving diving sites or setting up
there – large distances between dive sites. new wrecks would increase the competitiveness of
Strength: Identified as number one destination of the destination.
choice for French and British divers. Second desti- It is recommended to emphasize the wealth and va-
nation of choice for German and Italian divers (af- riety of non-diving offers in destinations particular-
ter the Maldives). ly of natural and cultural heritage.

Strength: Unique natural and cultural landscapes.
Weakness: Dive sites isolated from heritage fea-
tures requiring significant excursions.
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