Page 85 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 5(1) (2017)
P. 85
ia universitatisrule in Istria in the waters off Zambratija are the ing with representatives of the three sectors, fol­
opportunities and challeges of tour ist valor ization of za mbr atija cove (umag) 85 remnants of a former Roman road and struc­ lowed by the mapping and development of a bio­
tures that were built along the present day shal­ logical study of Zambratija Cove and the public
lows at Plič and Zanestra. The road was built on presentation of the pilot project’s results.
a natural limestone ridge running in the direc­
tion of the shoreline towards the west end of the A citizen survey was conducted in order to
cove. A very well preserved seventy-two-metre examine how familiar citizens are with the ar­
section of the road is the first known find of its chaeological findings, as well as to determine
kind in the waters surrounding Istria. It is hy­ their opinion on initiating an evaluation of the
pothesised that the cited shallows were once part aforementioned underwater cultural heritage.
of a single shoreline along which the now sub­ At the first workshop, participants were given
merged road ran, with a maritime villa site at information about project activities, and their
the small harbour at Zambratija to the southeast attention was focused on the evaluation of the
side of the cove. Zambratija Cove archaeological sites. At the sec­
ond workshop, participants were introduced to
“Special management zone in Zambratija examples of best practice from special manage­
cove (Umag)” pilot project ment zones in Italy and Croatia.
The local population, members of the “Savudri­
jska batana – Batana salvorina” Sea and Cultur­ Also, some practical work was included
al Attractions Association, have recognized the through group work on the topic of designing
cultural, historical and biological importance of the long-term use of Zambratija Cove for fish­
the cove and the possibility of developing new ing, educational and tourism purposes. In addi­
tourist, cultural and educational products. At tion to the workshops, a consultation was held
the initiative of the “Batana Salvorina” Associ­ with representatives of these three sectors from
ation, and with technical support from “Pinna Umag, with the aim of gathering additional pro­
nobilis” Fisheries Local Action Group (FLAG), a posals and initiatives for the evaluation of the
pilot project entitled “Special Management zone cove, which were sent for further consideration
in Zambratija Cove (Umag)” was developed. in order to design the final development process
The pilot project was implemented from January of the cove. The mapping and biological study of
to July of 2017 under Measure III.1. “Preparato­ the submarine area of Zambratija Cove was de­
ry Aid”, and it was co-founded by the European veloped with the aim of proposing guidelines for
Maritime and Fisheries Fund. future sustainable use and management, with an
emphasis on strengthening educational, cultural
The aim of the pilot project was to encour­ and tourist capacities and further involving lo­
age discussion among all interested citizens, in cal stakeholders in implementing development
particular among representatives of the fisheries scenarios for the cove. The final, important pi­
sector, on the opportunities and challenges of es­ lot project activity was the public presentation of
tablishing a special management zone in Zam­ the results.
bratija Cove due to its historical and potential
tourist value. Within the framework of the pi­ Study of underwater communities
lot project activities, a survey was conducted in­ in the Zambratija cove
volving the citizens of Umag and its surround­ The Biological Study of the Zambratija Cove was
ings. The project also included the organization created for the purpose of the pilot project called
of two workshops for representatives of the fish­ “Special Management Zone in the Zambrati­
eries, tourism, culture and other sectors, as well ja Cove” to determine the existing state of nat­
as for interested members of the public. After ural resources and to set recommendations for
the workshops, there was a consultation meet­ use, valorisation and management of the site, in­
cluding underwater archaeological heritage sites.
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