Page 80 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 5(1) (2017)
P. 80
flights through which Tivat is connected gro, Montenegro is primarily an airline des-
with many cities in the world. tination, so the planning and launch of new
tourist products is closely related to those
Dubrovnik / Čilipi (75km) - There is markets that are available on the plane.
no transport from the airport to Budva, but
Dubrovnik and Budva are connected by bus line Budva is located close to both Montene-
that goes from the bus station to Dubrovnik. grin airports, which are best connected with
Russia and Serbia, which are also the 2 larg-
Emitive destination markets est markets for Montenegrin tourism.
Neighboring markets, with Serbia as the domi
nant market, realized together 3.7 million regis There are lines by a series of major Europe-
tered nights in 2007. an cities (UK, Germany, Sweden ...). The
connection with Western European des-
Nights made by foreign tourists account for tinations is noticeably weaker outside the
up to 46% in the EU and up to 20% in Russia, season, making it difficult to plan diving
which represents the largest single market for tourism in pre-season and post-season.
Montenegrin tourism.
Table 5: SWOT
Since geographically very far from the ma-
jor European diving markets for Montene-
studia universitatis her editati, letnik 5 (2017), številk a 1 80
- favorable climatic conditions - worse aviation connection out of season
- variety of underwater locations with a large number of wrecks - absence of protected marine areas
- airspace availability of several broadcasting markets - Montenegro is not recognized as a diving destination on the
- developed diving tourism as an additional offer in the destina- broadcasting markets
tion - legal regulations do not support diving (no-take zones)
- cultural heritage from the ancient times - a small number of prepared underwater archaeological sites for
- close proximity to national parks: Lovcen, Lake Skadar sightseeing
- close proximity to cultural and tourist centers: Kotor (UNES- - diving on archaeological sites is not legally regulated
CO), Dubrovnik (UNESCO), - a small number of diving clubs with international certifications
- a large number of attractive sandy beaches, of which 8 have a - ancient heritage in the destination is not valorized
blue flag
- good and varied quality of existing hotel capacities from af- THREATS
fordable to super-luxurious - ecological degradation of underwater (fish catch, illegal under-
- a wide variety of sport and adrenaline tourism activities water fishing)
- gradual retardation of competition
OPPORTUNITIES - the growth of other diving Mediterranean destinations
- the possibility of changing legal regulations regarding ship sei- - stealing ancient underwater heritage such as amphora
zure and no-take zones - insufficient marketing activity in target markets
- the possibility of introducing new attractive services at diving - the lack of a clearly shaped tourist product
- conservation and valorisation of ancient ‘in situ’ shopping malls
- construction of the highway and introduction of additional
outboard air lines
- development of diving centers in the direction of an all-inclu-
sive offer for divers
- the trend of ecological tourism (recognized in the Master Plan
for Tourism Development in Montenegro by 2020, suggesting
Montenegro’s positioning on tourist markets as an ‘ecological
state’ under the slogan Wild Beuty)
with many cities in the world. tination, so the planning and launch of new
tourist products is closely related to those
Dubrovnik / Čilipi (75km) - There is markets that are available on the plane.
no transport from the airport to Budva, but
Dubrovnik and Budva are connected by bus line Budva is located close to both Montene-
that goes from the bus station to Dubrovnik. grin airports, which are best connected with
Russia and Serbia, which are also the 2 larg-
Emitive destination markets est markets for Montenegrin tourism.
Neighboring markets, with Serbia as the domi
nant market, realized together 3.7 million regis There are lines by a series of major Europe-
tered nights in 2007. an cities (UK, Germany, Sweden ...). The
connection with Western European des-
Nights made by foreign tourists account for tinations is noticeably weaker outside the
up to 46% in the EU and up to 20% in Russia, season, making it difficult to plan diving
which represents the largest single market for tourism in pre-season and post-season.
Montenegrin tourism.
Table 5: SWOT
Since geographically very far from the ma-
jor European diving markets for Montene-
studia universitatis her editati, letnik 5 (2017), številk a 1 80
- favorable climatic conditions - worse aviation connection out of season
- variety of underwater locations with a large number of wrecks - absence of protected marine areas
- airspace availability of several broadcasting markets - Montenegro is not recognized as a diving destination on the
- developed diving tourism as an additional offer in the destina- broadcasting markets
tion - legal regulations do not support diving (no-take zones)
- cultural heritage from the ancient times - a small number of prepared underwater archaeological sites for
- close proximity to national parks: Lovcen, Lake Skadar sightseeing
- close proximity to cultural and tourist centers: Kotor (UNES- - diving on archaeological sites is not legally regulated
CO), Dubrovnik (UNESCO), - a small number of diving clubs with international certifications
- a large number of attractive sandy beaches, of which 8 have a - ancient heritage in the destination is not valorized
blue flag
- good and varied quality of existing hotel capacities from af- THREATS
fordable to super-luxurious - ecological degradation of underwater (fish catch, illegal under-
- a wide variety of sport and adrenaline tourism activities water fishing)
- gradual retardation of competition
OPPORTUNITIES - the growth of other diving Mediterranean destinations
- the possibility of changing legal regulations regarding ship sei- - stealing ancient underwater heritage such as amphora
zure and no-take zones - insufficient marketing activity in target markets
- the possibility of introducing new attractive services at diving - the lack of a clearly shaped tourist product
- conservation and valorisation of ancient ‘in situ’ shopping malls
- construction of the highway and introduction of additional
outboard air lines
- development of diving centers in the direction of an all-inclu-
sive offer for divers
- the trend of ecological tourism (recognized in the Master Plan
for Tourism Development in Montenegro by 2020, suggesting
Montenegro’s positioning on tourist markets as an ‘ecological
state’ under the slogan Wild Beuty)