Page 86 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 5(1) (2017)
P. 86
For the purposes of this study, field researchstudia universitatis her editati, letnik 5 (2017), številk a 1 86seaweed Cymodocea nodosa is almost complete
was conducted in Zambratija Cove during May, ly ruined, partly due to fishing for bivalve mol
June and early July of 2017. The habitat and bihereditati luscs that live in the sand. Infralitoral biocenoses
ocenoses were determined and the inventory of are also affected by presence of the sewage outlet
the associated flora and fauna was made. that lets wastewater overflow in the conditions
of large quantities of rainfall.9
It has been established that the following
strictly protected species are present in the Zam Citizen survey results
bratija Cove: the bivalves Lithophaga lithophaga One of the activities of the “Special Manage
(Linnaeus, 1758), Pinna nobilis (Linnaeus, 1758) ment Zone in Zambratija Cove (Umag)” pilot
and Pholas dactylus (Linnaeus, 1758), the sponge project was a citizen survey, which was conduct
Geodia cydonium (Linnaeus, 1767), the seagrass ed in order to investigate citizens’ knowledge of
Cymodocea nodosa (Ascherson, 1870) and algae the archaeological findings, as well as to deter
Cystoseira amantacea (Bory de Saint-Vincent, mine their opinion on initiating the evaluation
1832). Given the importance of these species in of the underwater cultural heritage discovered
the trophic chain, these findings are proving the so far.
biological value of Zambratija Cove. The high
abundance of bivalve Pinna nobilis is especially The survey was conducted using a survey
significant. questionnaire from February to April of 2017,
covering a total of 101 respondents. All respond
Underwater survey in Zambratija Cove has ents were familiar with the subject of the survey,
determined presence of 244 species, of which 2 as the purpose of the questionnaire was briefly
species of cyanobacteria, 3 plant species, 30 spe described on the opening page. Data processing
cies of algae, 158 species of invertebrates, 7 spe was performed automatically using the SELECT
cies of tunicates and 44 fish species. The phylum package within the SurveyMonkey online plat
Mollusca was represented with the highest num form, The SELECT
ber of taxa (56), while only one species from phy package allows the creation of survey question
la Platyhelminthes and Sipuncula were found. naires, the collection of respondents’ opinions
Fish were represented with 15 families and fam online, the manual entry of responses, and the
ily Sparidae included the most species (11). The separate storage of each respondent’s question
least represented were families Carangidae, Mo naire. The online platform recorded the respons
ronidae, Mullidae, Pomacentridae, Torpedin es digitally, in percentages and average values,
inae, Trachinidae and Triglidae, with only one and presented them graphically, thus minimiz
species. ing the possibility of researcher error.
The effects of negative anthropogenic in Overview of selected suvey results
fluences, such as degraded marine habitats, es The data in charts 1 to 4 show the structure of re
pecially the mediolitoral and infralitoral, have spondents, with variables showing the respond
also been reported. Different waste was com ents place of residence, age, gender and field of
monly found in the infralitoral zone; packag employment.
ing plastics, glass and metal, rubber, fishing ma
terial (rope, nets and signalling equipment) and It is apparent that more than 44% of the
bulky waste. In the shallow part of the cove respondents live in the city of Umag, followed
and on the rocky ridge, the infralitoral rocks by respondents living in Zambratija (13.9%),
have been degraded by the illegal collection of Lovrečica (10.9%) and Bašanija (6.9%). Most re
date shells (Lithophaga lithophaga). The settle spondents belong to the age group from 26 to
ments of infralitoral algae near the anthropog 40 (40.6%) and from 41 to 55 (23.8%). A total of
enised sea shore have been degraded to a lesser
extent, while the entire area of strictly protected 9 Iveša, Morska staništa u uvali Zambratija.
was conducted in Zambratija Cove during May, ly ruined, partly due to fishing for bivalve mol
June and early July of 2017. The habitat and bihereditati luscs that live in the sand. Infralitoral biocenoses
ocenoses were determined and the inventory of are also affected by presence of the sewage outlet
the associated flora and fauna was made. that lets wastewater overflow in the conditions
of large quantities of rainfall.9
It has been established that the following
strictly protected species are present in the Zam Citizen survey results
bratija Cove: the bivalves Lithophaga lithophaga One of the activities of the “Special Manage
(Linnaeus, 1758), Pinna nobilis (Linnaeus, 1758) ment Zone in Zambratija Cove (Umag)” pilot
and Pholas dactylus (Linnaeus, 1758), the sponge project was a citizen survey, which was conduct
Geodia cydonium (Linnaeus, 1767), the seagrass ed in order to investigate citizens’ knowledge of
Cymodocea nodosa (Ascherson, 1870) and algae the archaeological findings, as well as to deter
Cystoseira amantacea (Bory de Saint-Vincent, mine their opinion on initiating the evaluation
1832). Given the importance of these species in of the underwater cultural heritage discovered
the trophic chain, these findings are proving the so far.
biological value of Zambratija Cove. The high
abundance of bivalve Pinna nobilis is especially The survey was conducted using a survey
significant. questionnaire from February to April of 2017,
covering a total of 101 respondents. All respond
Underwater survey in Zambratija Cove has ents were familiar with the subject of the survey,
determined presence of 244 species, of which 2 as the purpose of the questionnaire was briefly
species of cyanobacteria, 3 plant species, 30 spe described on the opening page. Data processing
cies of algae, 158 species of invertebrates, 7 spe was performed automatically using the SELECT
cies of tunicates and 44 fish species. The phylum package within the SurveyMonkey online plat
Mollusca was represented with the highest num form, The SELECT
ber of taxa (56), while only one species from phy package allows the creation of survey question
la Platyhelminthes and Sipuncula were found. naires, the collection of respondents’ opinions
Fish were represented with 15 families and fam online, the manual entry of responses, and the
ily Sparidae included the most species (11). The separate storage of each respondent’s question
least represented were families Carangidae, Mo naire. The online platform recorded the respons
ronidae, Mullidae, Pomacentridae, Torpedin es digitally, in percentages and average values,
inae, Trachinidae and Triglidae, with only one and presented them graphically, thus minimiz
species. ing the possibility of researcher error.
The effects of negative anthropogenic in Overview of selected suvey results
fluences, such as degraded marine habitats, es The data in charts 1 to 4 show the structure of re
pecially the mediolitoral and infralitoral, have spondents, with variables showing the respond
also been reported. Different waste was com ents place of residence, age, gender and field of
monly found in the infralitoral zone; packag employment.
ing plastics, glass and metal, rubber, fishing ma
terial (rope, nets and signalling equipment) and It is apparent that more than 44% of the
bulky waste. In the shallow part of the cove respondents live in the city of Umag, followed
and on the rocky ridge, the infralitoral rocks by respondents living in Zambratija (13.9%),
have been degraded by the illegal collection of Lovrečica (10.9%) and Bašanija (6.9%). Most re
date shells (Lithophaga lithophaga). The settle spondents belong to the age group from 26 to
ments of infralitoral algae near the anthropog 40 (40.6%) and from 41 to 55 (23.8%). A total of
enised sea shore have been degraded to a lesser
extent, while the entire area of strictly protected 9 Iveša, Morska staništa u uvali Zambratija.