Page 83 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 5(1) (2017)
P. 83
ia universitatisOpportunities and challeges of tourist valorization
83 of Zambratija cove (Umag)
Ida Koncani Uhač, Archaeological Museum of Istria
Neven Iveša, Juraj Dobrila University of Pula
Danijela Mioković, Croatian Agricultural and Forestry Advisory Service
Ana Žužić, Fisheries Local Action Group „Pinna nobilis“
Območje okrog Zambratijskega zaliva je zaradi arheoloških zakladov edinstvena destinacija za razi-
skovalce. Leta 2008 so bile odkrite nove arheološke najdbe, ki veljajo za prvovrstna arheološka odkritja.
Ključne besede: Zambratijski zaliv, območje posebnega upravljanja, arheološka odkritja, prazgodovinska
poselitev, Prehistoric sewn boat, trajnostna raba, biološka študija, pilotni projekt
The area surrounding Zambratija Cove has been representing a unique destination for researchers due
to its archaeological treasures. In 2008 new archaeological findings were discovered, which, as a result of
its uniqueness, can be classified at the very top of archaeological discoveries.
Keywords: Zambratija Cove, Special management zone, Archaeological discoveries, Prehistoric settle-
ment, Prehistoric sewn boat, Sustainable use, Biological study, Pilot project, Citizen survey
Introduction evidence of the rich history of the area, which
has been inhabited since the early Copper Age,
Zambratija Cove is situated on the mild, through the Roman period and the Middle Ages
low-lying north-western coast of the Is- to the present.
trian peninsula. The cove is surrounded
by the Sipar peninsula in the south and Crvena The hidden treasure of Zambratija cove
uvala in the north. One of the most significant sites is that of the
remnants of a prehistoric settlement dated to the
The rich cultural and historical heritage of period from the late Neolithic to the early Eneo-
this region has always attracted the attention of lithic (fifth to fourth millennia BCE). Preserved
many researchers. Along with several archaeo- on the seabed are the remnants of prehistoric
logical sites, known in the wider area around pile dwellings that were likely built in a marsh-
Zambratija, in 2008 new archaeological find- land valley near the open sea. The archaeological
ings in the northern part of Zambratija Cove data collected in the course of excavation work
were discovered,1 which, as a result of its unique- at the site indicate that the prehistoric inhab-
ness, can be classified at the very top of archaeo- itants of Zambratija lived in a community and
logical discoveries. Zambratija Cove has become that they were farmers, hunters and fishers. The
a place of intense archaeological research since plant and animal remains bear witness to their
2008, especially after the discovery of prehistor- diverse diet and are indicative of cattle breeding.
ic sites.2 The archaeological discoveries from the Potsherds from a variety of vessels were collected
underwater world and those found on land are from the site of the prehistoric settlement along
with flint and bone tools. Some of the forms of
1 Koncani Uhač, “Podvodna arheološka istraživanja,” 263–68.
2 Koncani Uhač, “Zambratija-uvala,” 396–97.
83 of Zambratija cove (Umag)
Ida Koncani Uhač, Archaeological Museum of Istria
Neven Iveša, Juraj Dobrila University of Pula
Danijela Mioković, Croatian Agricultural and Forestry Advisory Service
Ana Žužić, Fisheries Local Action Group „Pinna nobilis“
Območje okrog Zambratijskega zaliva je zaradi arheoloških zakladov edinstvena destinacija za razi-
skovalce. Leta 2008 so bile odkrite nove arheološke najdbe, ki veljajo za prvovrstna arheološka odkritja.
Ključne besede: Zambratijski zaliv, območje posebnega upravljanja, arheološka odkritja, prazgodovinska
poselitev, Prehistoric sewn boat, trajnostna raba, biološka študija, pilotni projekt
The area surrounding Zambratija Cove has been representing a unique destination for researchers due
to its archaeological treasures. In 2008 new archaeological findings were discovered, which, as a result of
its uniqueness, can be classified at the very top of archaeological discoveries.
Keywords: Zambratija Cove, Special management zone, Archaeological discoveries, Prehistoric settle-
ment, Prehistoric sewn boat, Sustainable use, Biological study, Pilot project, Citizen survey
Introduction evidence of the rich history of the area, which
has been inhabited since the early Copper Age,
Zambratija Cove is situated on the mild, through the Roman period and the Middle Ages
low-lying north-western coast of the Is- to the present.
trian peninsula. The cove is surrounded
by the Sipar peninsula in the south and Crvena The hidden treasure of Zambratija cove
uvala in the north. One of the most significant sites is that of the
remnants of a prehistoric settlement dated to the
The rich cultural and historical heritage of period from the late Neolithic to the early Eneo-
this region has always attracted the attention of lithic (fifth to fourth millennia BCE). Preserved
many researchers. Along with several archaeo- on the seabed are the remnants of prehistoric
logical sites, known in the wider area around pile dwellings that were likely built in a marsh-
Zambratija, in 2008 new archaeological find- land valley near the open sea. The archaeological
ings in the northern part of Zambratija Cove data collected in the course of excavation work
were discovered,1 which, as a result of its unique- at the site indicate that the prehistoric inhab-
ness, can be classified at the very top of archaeo- itants of Zambratija lived in a community and
logical discoveries. Zambratija Cove has become that they were farmers, hunters and fishers. The
a place of intense archaeological research since plant and animal remains bear witness to their
2008, especially after the discovery of prehistor- diverse diet and are indicative of cattle breeding.
ic sites.2 The archaeological discoveries from the Potsherds from a variety of vessels were collected
underwater world and those found on land are from the site of the prehistoric settlement along
with flint and bone tools. Some of the forms of
1 Koncani Uhač, “Podvodna arheološka istraživanja,” 263–68.
2 Koncani Uhač, “Zambratija-uvala,” 396–97.