Page 91 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 5(1) (2017)
P. 91
ia universitatis
opportunities and challeges of tour ist valor ization of za mbr atija cove (umag) 91
Chart 8: Citizens’ opinion about the creation of an underwater museum in Zambratija Cove (Source: “Pinna nobilis”
FLAG through SurveyMonkey online survey platform,
cused on sustainability. All this will ultimate sary to present the findings to the public and to
ly contribute to an increase in knowledge and make it possible to present the content discov
citizens’ level of awareness about archaeologi ered and researched by the archaeological com
cal findings in Zambratija Cove, as well as an in munity with the help of local fishermen and
crease in personal involvement in the creation of divers. The results of the survey show that re
content, leading to greater recognition of the site spondents are only partially informed about un
and the sustainable development of the commu derwater archaeological heritage in Zambratija
nity. Cove.
Furthermore, as many as 90.0% of respond They perceive the findings as abstract but
ents strongly support the idea of creating an un important, although most of them still perceive
derwater museum to present the cultural and it as something that is not of great importance to
natural wealth of the underwater area of Zam them, nor do they have a specific understanding
bratija Cove, as shown in chart 8. As many as of its significance (a fact that became especially
80.2% of respondents support the establishment apparent during workshops with fishermen as a
of a special management zone in Zambratija part of the pilot project). This perception should
Cove for the purpose of developing a new prod be changed through active communication with
uct based on the evaluation of cultural heritage fishermen, as well as with the general public,
and the biological features of the cove’s undersea through their inclusion in the discovery, inter
habitat (Chart 10). pretation and presentation of findings. This will
allow the community to understand their own
To sum up, Zambratija Cove represents a cultural identity, as well as the possible material
unique archaeological site due to the preserved potential of Zambratija Cove (e.g. tourism eco
remains of prehistoric houses, stilt houses, and nomics, employment opportunities, etc.).
a shipwreck. Such a locality should not remain
closed to a limited circle of experts. It is neces
opportunities and challeges of tour ist valor ization of za mbr atija cove (umag) 91
Chart 8: Citizens’ opinion about the creation of an underwater museum in Zambratija Cove (Source: “Pinna nobilis”
FLAG through SurveyMonkey online survey platform,
cused on sustainability. All this will ultimate sary to present the findings to the public and to
ly contribute to an increase in knowledge and make it possible to present the content discov
citizens’ level of awareness about archaeologi ered and researched by the archaeological com
cal findings in Zambratija Cove, as well as an in munity with the help of local fishermen and
crease in personal involvement in the creation of divers. The results of the survey show that re
content, leading to greater recognition of the site spondents are only partially informed about un
and the sustainable development of the commu derwater archaeological heritage in Zambratija
nity. Cove.
Furthermore, as many as 90.0% of respond They perceive the findings as abstract but
ents strongly support the idea of creating an un important, although most of them still perceive
derwater museum to present the cultural and it as something that is not of great importance to
natural wealth of the underwater area of Zam them, nor do they have a specific understanding
bratija Cove, as shown in chart 8. As many as of its significance (a fact that became especially
80.2% of respondents support the establishment apparent during workshops with fishermen as a
of a special management zone in Zambratija part of the pilot project). This perception should
Cove for the purpose of developing a new prod be changed through active communication with
uct based on the evaluation of cultural heritage fishermen, as well as with the general public,
and the biological features of the cove’s undersea through their inclusion in the discovery, inter
habitat (Chart 10). pretation and presentation of findings. This will
allow the community to understand their own
To sum up, Zambratija Cove represents a cultural identity, as well as the possible material
unique archaeological site due to the preserved potential of Zambratija Cove (e.g. tourism eco
remains of prehistoric houses, stilt houses, and nomics, employment opportunities, etc.).
a shipwreck. Such a locality should not remain
closed to a limited circle of experts. It is neces