Page 92 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 5(1) (2017)
P. 92
dia universitatis her editati, letnik 5 (2017), številk a 1 92
Chart 9: Respondents’ attitude towards a reduction in fishing pressure in Zambratija Cove in order to create an under-
water museum (Source: “Pinna nobilis” FLAG through SurveyMonkey online survey platform, www.surveymonkey.
Chart 10: Respondents’ opinion about the establishment of a special management zone in Zambratija Cove in order to
develop a new product based on the evaluation of cultural heritage and the biological features of the undersea habitat
(Source: “Pinna nobilis” FLAG through SurveyMonkey online survey platform,
Chart 9: Respondents’ attitude towards a reduction in fishing pressure in Zambratija Cove in order to create an under-
water museum (Source: “Pinna nobilis” FLAG through SurveyMonkey online survey platform, www.surveymonkey.
Chart 10: Respondents’ opinion about the establishment of a special management zone in Zambratija Cove in order to
develop a new product based on the evaluation of cultural heritage and the biological features of the undersea habitat
(Source: “Pinna nobilis” FLAG through SurveyMonkey online survey platform,