Page 94 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 5(1) (2017)
P. 94
dia universitatis her editati, letnik 5 (2017), številk a 1 94ing on the natural and cultural values of the covezaliva in vseh možnosti razvoja nove turistične, kultur-
could be built. It is extremely important to ed ne in izobraževalne ponudbe, zato so s podporo lokalne
hereditatiucate local people through targeted educationribiške iniciative »Pinna nobilis« zagnali pilotni projekt
al programs since they are mostly employed in »Posebno področje upravljanja v Zambratijskem zalivu
tourism activities and engage in daily contact (Umag)«.
with visitors. Med trajanjem projekta je potekala študija podvodnih
ekosistemov v Zambratijskem zalivu, oblikovane pa so
In order to prevent the further degradation bile tudi smernice za trajnostno rabo lokalnih naravnih
of the habitat and the species Lithophaga lithop- virov. Turistična valorizacija je za lokalne prebivalce še
haga, the competent institutions must intensify vedno izziv, od toda pa tudi izvira potreba po spodbu-
the surveillance of the area and take all available janju lokalnih prebivalcev k aktivnemu sodelovanju pri
measures to prevent destruction. It is especial oblikovanju scenarijev razvoja zaliva, ki je v arheološkem
ly important to emphasize that when the local in biotskem pomenu posebnost.
population becomes aware of the cove area value,
themselves will become its best guardians. Summary
In conclusion, the implementation of the The area surrounding Zambratija Cove has been repre-
“Pinna nobilis” FLAG and “Batana salvorina” senting a unique destination for researchers due to its ar-
pilot project is intended to enable representa chaeological treasures. In 2008 new archaeological find-
tives of the fisheries sector and other interested ings were discovered, which, as a result of its uniqueness,
citizens to actively participate in the process of can be classified at the very top of archaeological discov-
considering possible development scenarios for eries.
the cove because of its archaeological and bio The local population, members of the “Savudrijska bat-
logical specificities. During the implementation ana – Batana salvorina” Sea and Cultural Attractions
of the pilot project, it was important to provide Association, have recognized the cultural, historical
a stimulating environment in which to propose and biological importance of the cove and the possibil-
different ideas for the development of Zambrati ity of developing a new tourist, cultural and education-
ja Cove. It was also important to develop ide al offer. With the technical support from “Pinna nobilis”
as that would interest the local fishermen. The Fisheries Local Action Group (FLAG), the pilot pro-
guideline was the fact that the area of the archae ject entitled “Special Management zone in Zambratija
ological site in Zambratija is shallow, up to 3m Cove (Umag)” was developed.
deep, and is suitable for snorkelling. Fishermen Within the pilot project, a study of underwater com-
who are interested in the development of fish munities in the Zambratija Cove was conducted, along
ing tourism would surely find economic benefit with some guidelines for the sustainable use of natural
in this, and with the appropriate knowledge and resources in the area. Tourist valorisation is still a chal-
skills, they would be able to diversify their sourc lenge for the inhabitants of the Zambratija area, there-
es of income.10 fore the need to encourage citizens to actively partici-
pate in the process of considering possible development
Povzetek scenarios of the cove because of its archaeological and
biological specificities.
Območje okrog Zambratijskega zaliva je zaradi arhe-
oloških zakladov edinstvena destinacija za raziskoval- Bibliography
ce. Leta 2008 so bile odkrite nove arheološke najdbe, ki
veljajo za prvovrstna arheolopka odkritja. Lokalni pre- Boetto, Giulia, Ida Koncani Uhač and Marko
bivalci, člani društva za morske in kulturne znameni- Uhač. “Sewn Ships from Istria (Croatia):
tosti »Savudrijska batana – Batana salvorina«, se zave- the Shipwrecks of Zambratija and Pula.”
dajo kulturnega, zgodovinskega in biološkega pomena In Baltic and Beyond, Change and
Continuity in shipbuilding: Proceedings of
10 Iveša, Morska staništa u uvali Zambratija; Koncani Uhač, Iveša, Žužić
and Knežević, Zona posebnog upravljanja u uvali Zambratija.
could be built. It is extremely important to ed ne in izobraževalne ponudbe, zato so s podporo lokalne
hereditatiucate local people through targeted educationribiške iniciative »Pinna nobilis« zagnali pilotni projekt
al programs since they are mostly employed in »Posebno področje upravljanja v Zambratijskem zalivu
tourism activities and engage in daily contact (Umag)«.
with visitors. Med trajanjem projekta je potekala študija podvodnih
ekosistemov v Zambratijskem zalivu, oblikovane pa so
In order to prevent the further degradation bile tudi smernice za trajnostno rabo lokalnih naravnih
of the habitat and the species Lithophaga lithop- virov. Turistična valorizacija je za lokalne prebivalce še
haga, the competent institutions must intensify vedno izziv, od toda pa tudi izvira potreba po spodbu-
the surveillance of the area and take all available janju lokalnih prebivalcev k aktivnemu sodelovanju pri
measures to prevent destruction. It is especial oblikovanju scenarijev razvoja zaliva, ki je v arheološkem
ly important to emphasize that when the local in biotskem pomenu posebnost.
population becomes aware of the cove area value,
themselves will become its best guardians. Summary
In conclusion, the implementation of the The area surrounding Zambratija Cove has been repre-
“Pinna nobilis” FLAG and “Batana salvorina” senting a unique destination for researchers due to its ar-
pilot project is intended to enable representa chaeological treasures. In 2008 new archaeological find-
tives of the fisheries sector and other interested ings were discovered, which, as a result of its uniqueness,
citizens to actively participate in the process of can be classified at the very top of archaeological discov-
considering possible development scenarios for eries.
the cove because of its archaeological and bio The local population, members of the “Savudrijska bat-
logical specificities. During the implementation ana – Batana salvorina” Sea and Cultural Attractions
of the pilot project, it was important to provide Association, have recognized the cultural, historical
a stimulating environment in which to propose and biological importance of the cove and the possibil-
different ideas for the development of Zambrati ity of developing a new tourist, cultural and education-
ja Cove. It was also important to develop ide al offer. With the technical support from “Pinna nobilis”
as that would interest the local fishermen. The Fisheries Local Action Group (FLAG), the pilot pro-
guideline was the fact that the area of the archae ject entitled “Special Management zone in Zambratija
ological site in Zambratija is shallow, up to 3m Cove (Umag)” was developed.
deep, and is suitable for snorkelling. Fishermen Within the pilot project, a study of underwater com-
who are interested in the development of fish munities in the Zambratija Cove was conducted, along
ing tourism would surely find economic benefit with some guidelines for the sustainable use of natural
in this, and with the appropriate knowledge and resources in the area. Tourist valorisation is still a chal-
skills, they would be able to diversify their sourc lenge for the inhabitants of the Zambratija area, there-
es of income.10 fore the need to encourage citizens to actively partici-
pate in the process of considering possible development
Povzetek scenarios of the cove because of its archaeological and
biological specificities.
Območje okrog Zambratijskega zaliva je zaradi arhe-
oloških zakladov edinstvena destinacija za raziskoval- Bibliography
ce. Leta 2008 so bile odkrite nove arheološke najdbe, ki
veljajo za prvovrstna arheolopka odkritja. Lokalni pre- Boetto, Giulia, Ida Koncani Uhač and Marko
bivalci, člani društva za morske in kulturne znameni- Uhač. “Sewn Ships from Istria (Croatia):
tosti »Savudrijska batana – Batana salvorina«, se zave- the Shipwrecks of Zambratija and Pula.”
dajo kulturnega, zgodovinskega in biološkega pomena In Baltic and Beyond, Change and
Continuity in shipbuilding: Proceedings of
10 Iveša, Morska staništa u uvali Zambratija; Koncani Uhač, Iveša, Žužić
and Knežević, Zona posebnog upravljanja u uvali Zambratija.