Page 93 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 5(1) (2017)
P. 93
ia universitatis
opportunities and challeges of tour ist valor ization of za mbr atija cove (umag) 93
Chart 11: Respondents’ willingness to get involved in the process of monitoring the proposed underwater museum and
special management zone (Source: “Pinna nobilis” FLAG through SurveyMonkey online survey platform, www.sur-

Respondents support the idea of creating an In an ideal combination of sports and educa­
underwater museum that would present both the tion, visitors can go snorkeling, diving or row­
rich cultural heritage and biodiversity of Zam­ ing in traditional boats called batana with a glass
bratija’s undersea habitat. In order to make the bottom, and they will discover underwater nat­
underwater museum possible, the respondents ural and archeological treasures. By interpreting
would support a reduction in fishing pressure in biological values through an underwater educa­
Zambratija Cove, as well as the establishment of tional trail, it would be possible to develop sus­
a special management zone. The term “special tainable forms of tourism. Such an underwater
management zone” refers to a shared definition trail would consist of educational panels that
of ways and conditions in which to use, promote would encourage divers to explore the underwa­
and protect the cove, while ensuring the econom­ ter world. The educational role could be supple­
ic viability of stakeholders who gravitate towards mented by the construction of a museum with
this area in a sustainable and innovative way. Ad­ an aquarium exhibition to bring the underwa­
ditionally, about 48% of respondents are willing ter world closer to those who are unable to go
to engage in the monitoring process that would diving and also to provide additional offer out­
allow the creation of the underwater museum side the main tourist season. It is recommend­
and special management zone. ed to also establish educational panels along the
coast and organize educational programs and
Sustainable use of natural resources field teaching for children and students in co­
in the Zambratija cove operation with pedagogical institutions, associ­
Due to its low depth, the cove is extremely suit­ ations and other institutions. An info-center for
able for water sports and educational activities. sharing brochures and printed materials inform­
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