Page 78 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 6(1) (2018)
P. 78
dia universitatis her editati, letnik 6 (2018), številk a 1 7851–55 years old male (Jovanović 2015, T. IV/5, T.Figure 12. Plot showing rim to height relationship of
XIII/3). Intriguing fact is that bowls with evert- bowls with everted rim from Stubline, Divostin and Go-
hereditatied rim from infant and sub-adult graves are un-molava (Belgrade City Museum archive)
decorated (cf. Jovanović 2015, T. VIII/3, T. IX/1),
while bowls lavishly decorated with complex all other sites originated from diverse contexts
burnished ornaments on both inner and outer with larger time span. The same could be stat-
side of the vessels were recovered from graves of ed for Divostin sample also, where bowls with
adult males older than 30 years (Jovanović 2015, everted rim were collected from rather contem-
T. II/2, T. XVII/4, 5), but also from elderly sen- porary houses (Borić 2009, 198, 220, 221, Tab.
iors older than 50 years (Jovanović 2015, T. IV/5). 4). Dense grouping of the bowls with similar
height to rim diameter relationship from Divos-
Vinča culture bowls with everted rim, as tin points to single craftsman or workshop since
shown, were vessels important both on the sym- majority of vessels come from houses (Figure 12).
bolic and functional level. They were one of the
most commonly used vessels among Late Ne- Future endeavors into the question of func-
olithic communities of Central Balkans. As tion of bowls with everted rim should include
such, bowls with everted rim were important so- large-scale physical and chemical analysis of res-
cial agents, also. Analysis conducted by J. Vuk- idues observable on the inner surfaces of some
ović has shown that production of this type of vessels, and microscopic investigations of visi-
bowl from Vinča and Motel Slatina sites was ble traces of use. Fine dating of the contexts of
fairly standardized (Vuković 2011). On the oth- find would contribute to understanding of sty-
er hand analysis of Stubline sample shows some- listic and metric variations of vessels from all
what different results, with probably lesser de- discussed sites. Final typological and morpho-
gree of standardization (Figure 12). This could logical analyses of Stubline corpus showed that
imply that bowls with everted rim from Stub- although bowls with everted rim seem as stable
line were used differently than those from Vinča and quite uniform vessel type, there are numer-
and Motel Slatina or that there were more crafts- ous subtypes and varieties (cf. finds 1-68), which
men that produced such vessel type in Stubline. either points to conclusion that their production
Also it could be suggested that bowls from Stub- wasn’t standardized, or that some other metric
line come from contexts of different phases. Al- parameter is more important for their consider-
though, the sample from Gomolava site is too ation. Recent considerations have already shown
small (11 examples) it is rather intriguing to find that morphological variations like angle of rim
that CV point indicates that this is the site with break or its thickness doesn’t affect the function
highest degree of specialization of bowls with of the bowls or are not of big concern of crafts-
everted rim from all five sites with analysed met- man (cf. Vuković 2011, 86). Larger morpholog-
ric parameters. Statistical plot of rim to height ical variation of Stubline corpus didn’t have to
relationship from Gomolava shows coherent
grouping with less variability than Stubline (Fig-
ure 12). Could it be that higher degree of pottery
production specialization is to be sought among
bowls that were intended to be buried as grave
goods or other spatiotemporal and social factors
affected such material culture patterning? Bur-
ied individuals belonged to the same male line-
age (Stefanović 2008), and they were probably
buried in smaller time span, up to 70 years (cf.
Borić 2009, 199, 227, Tab. 5), while bowls from
XIII/3). Intriguing fact is that bowls with evert- bowls with everted rim from Stubline, Divostin and Go-
hereditatied rim from infant and sub-adult graves are un-molava (Belgrade City Museum archive)
decorated (cf. Jovanović 2015, T. VIII/3, T. IX/1),
while bowls lavishly decorated with complex all other sites originated from diverse contexts
burnished ornaments on both inner and outer with larger time span. The same could be stat-
side of the vessels were recovered from graves of ed for Divostin sample also, where bowls with
adult males older than 30 years (Jovanović 2015, everted rim were collected from rather contem-
T. II/2, T. XVII/4, 5), but also from elderly sen- porary houses (Borić 2009, 198, 220, 221, Tab.
iors older than 50 years (Jovanović 2015, T. IV/5). 4). Dense grouping of the bowls with similar
height to rim diameter relationship from Divos-
Vinča culture bowls with everted rim, as tin points to single craftsman or workshop since
shown, were vessels important both on the sym- majority of vessels come from houses (Figure 12).
bolic and functional level. They were one of the
most commonly used vessels among Late Ne- Future endeavors into the question of func-
olithic communities of Central Balkans. As tion of bowls with everted rim should include
such, bowls with everted rim were important so- large-scale physical and chemical analysis of res-
cial agents, also. Analysis conducted by J. Vuk- idues observable on the inner surfaces of some
ović has shown that production of this type of vessels, and microscopic investigations of visi-
bowl from Vinča and Motel Slatina sites was ble traces of use. Fine dating of the contexts of
fairly standardized (Vuković 2011). On the oth- find would contribute to understanding of sty-
er hand analysis of Stubline sample shows some- listic and metric variations of vessels from all
what different results, with probably lesser de- discussed sites. Final typological and morpho-
gree of standardization (Figure 12). This could logical analyses of Stubline corpus showed that
imply that bowls with everted rim from Stub- although bowls with everted rim seem as stable
line were used differently than those from Vinča and quite uniform vessel type, there are numer-
and Motel Slatina or that there were more crafts- ous subtypes and varieties (cf. finds 1-68), which
men that produced such vessel type in Stubline. either points to conclusion that their production
Also it could be suggested that bowls from Stub- wasn’t standardized, or that some other metric
line come from contexts of different phases. Al- parameter is more important for their consider-
though, the sample from Gomolava site is too ation. Recent considerations have already shown
small (11 examples) it is rather intriguing to find that morphological variations like angle of rim
that CV point indicates that this is the site with break or its thickness doesn’t affect the function
highest degree of specialization of bowls with of the bowls or are not of big concern of crafts-
everted rim from all five sites with analysed met- man (cf. Vuković 2011, 86). Larger morpholog-
ric parameters. Statistical plot of rim to height ical variation of Stubline corpus didn’t have to
relationship from Gomolava shows coherent
grouping with less variability than Stubline (Fig-
ure 12). Could it be that higher degree of pottery
production specialization is to be sought among
bowls that were intended to be buried as grave
goods or other spatiotemporal and social factors
affected such material culture patterning? Bur-
ied individuals belonged to the same male line-
age (Stefanović 2008), and they were probably
buried in smaller time span, up to 70 years (cf.
Borić 2009, 199, 227, Tab. 5), while bowls from