Page 75 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 6(1) (2018)
P. 75
ia universitatis12/1976, 20-22/1976, 25/1977 (Jovanović 2015).
bowls with everted r im from stubline 75 Two bowls from Gomolava grave 25/1976 are ex-
ceptional craft products, made of finely refined
clay, with smooth surfaces, and lavishly orna-
mented outer and inner walls (Jovanović 2015,
T. XVII/4, 5). The bowls were placed near the
head of the adult male along with two other ves-
sels, flint tool and ground stone chisel (Jovano-
vić 2015, 27, 28), and were certainly important so-
cial markers.
Discussion Figure 9. Histogram showing the share of different rim
Bowls with everted rim are conceived as iconic diameters of bowls with everted rim from Divostin (Bel-
type index of Late Vinča culture pottery. Still, grade City Museum archive)
up to very recently, there was not a single indebt
analysis dealing with any aspect of their produc- Figure 10. Histogram showing the share of different rim
tion, function or circulation. J. Vuković’s paper diameters of bowls with everted rim from Stubline (ex-
on pottery standardization from 2011 is the only cluding miniature and large size vessels) (Belgrade City
serious study devoted to this type of bowls. Her Museum archive)
analysis shows remarkable results based on sta- (rim diameter larger than 24 cm)3. If we exclude
tistical analyses of a big sample from Vinča (367 such objects from calculation, then standard de-
fragmented and whole vessels), and modest sam-
ple from Motel Slatina consisting of 47 exam- 3 Divostin sample of the bowls with everted rim (36 examples) is the
ples (Vuković 2011, T. 1, 2). In comparison with only one that has been published with raw data, and there is not a
Stubline sample, bowls with everted rim from single example of our bowls that have rim diameter smaller than
Vinča site have 17.59 mean value of the rim di- 10cm, and larger than 24 (cf. Madas 1988). Although 11 bowls from
ameter, which coincides with Stubline data with Gomolava represent modest sample bowls with such rim diameters
mean value 17.63. Standard deviation for Vinča haven’t been recorded (Jovanović 2015).
rim diameters is 2.40, while for Stubline it is
much higher-3.90. J. Vuković has published sta-
tistical data for same values from the Vinča cul-
ture site of Motel Slatina, also. Mean value for
rim diameter of bowls with everted rim from
Motel Slatina is 21.25, while standard deviation
is 3.0 (Vuković 2011, 92, T.2). We have calculated
mean values for Divostin sample, using the same
methodology. Thus, mean value for rim diam-
eter for Divostin bowls is 16.61, while standard
deviation is 2.42 (Figure 9). Higher values for
standard deviation of Stubline rim diameters is
probably the result of blurring, since we includ-
ed miniature and small sized vessels that were
not included in other calculations (rim diame-
ter less than 10 cm), and exceptionally big ones
bowls with everted r im from stubline 75 Two bowls from Gomolava grave 25/1976 are ex-
ceptional craft products, made of finely refined
clay, with smooth surfaces, and lavishly orna-
mented outer and inner walls (Jovanović 2015,
T. XVII/4, 5). The bowls were placed near the
head of the adult male along with two other ves-
sels, flint tool and ground stone chisel (Jovano-
vić 2015, 27, 28), and were certainly important so-
cial markers.
Discussion Figure 9. Histogram showing the share of different rim
Bowls with everted rim are conceived as iconic diameters of bowls with everted rim from Divostin (Bel-
type index of Late Vinča culture pottery. Still, grade City Museum archive)
up to very recently, there was not a single indebt
analysis dealing with any aspect of their produc- Figure 10. Histogram showing the share of different rim
tion, function or circulation. J. Vuković’s paper diameters of bowls with everted rim from Stubline (ex-
on pottery standardization from 2011 is the only cluding miniature and large size vessels) (Belgrade City
serious study devoted to this type of bowls. Her Museum archive)
analysis shows remarkable results based on sta- (rim diameter larger than 24 cm)3. If we exclude
tistical analyses of a big sample from Vinča (367 such objects from calculation, then standard de-
fragmented and whole vessels), and modest sam-
ple from Motel Slatina consisting of 47 exam- 3 Divostin sample of the bowls with everted rim (36 examples) is the
ples (Vuković 2011, T. 1, 2). In comparison with only one that has been published with raw data, and there is not a
Stubline sample, bowls with everted rim from single example of our bowls that have rim diameter smaller than
Vinča site have 17.59 mean value of the rim di- 10cm, and larger than 24 (cf. Madas 1988). Although 11 bowls from
ameter, which coincides with Stubline data with Gomolava represent modest sample bowls with such rim diameters
mean value 17.63. Standard deviation for Vinča haven’t been recorded (Jovanović 2015).
rim diameters is 2.40, while for Stubline it is
much higher-3.90. J. Vuković has published sta-
tistical data for same values from the Vinča cul-
ture site of Motel Slatina, also. Mean value for
rim diameter of bowls with everted rim from
Motel Slatina is 21.25, while standard deviation
is 3.0 (Vuković 2011, 92, T.2). We have calculated
mean values for Divostin sample, using the same
methodology. Thus, mean value for rim diam-
eter for Divostin bowls is 16.61, while standard
deviation is 2.42 (Figure 9). Higher values for
standard deviation of Stubline rim diameters is
probably the result of blurring, since we includ-
ed miniature and small sized vessels that were
not included in other calculations (rim diame-
ter less than 10 cm), and exceptionally big ones