Page 76 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 6(1) (2018)
P. 76
dia universitatis her editati, letnik 6 (2018), številk a 1 76
Figure 11. Map of the Central Balkans with marked Neolithic sites discussed in the text
(base map courtesy of M. Milinković)
viation of rim diameter for Stubline sample is sor M. Vasić published only few such bowls in
2.84, whereas mean value is also somewhat dif- his four volume monographs (Vasić 1936, 113, T.
ferent-17.47 (Figure 10). Third statistical param- LXVI/191b, T. LXVII/191c), although we know
eter that was included in J. Vuković’s study is co- that they dominate the corpus from the latest
efficient of variation (CV) which should signal horizon at Vinča site. V. Milojčić hasn’t signaled
whether, and to what extent, pottery production out this type of bowl as being of any importance
standardization existed (Vuković 2011). Follow- for Vinča culture chronology, although he pub-
ing the same methodology CV for rim diameter lished several finds as typical for his Vinča D pe-
for Stubline bowls is 16.29 excluding miniatures riod (Milojčić 1949, Taf. 34/3). In his published
and exceptionally large ones. We have calculated doctoral thesis M. Garašanin also didn’t con-
that CV for Divostin sample is 14.56 (36 exam- sider this type of bowls as being important as
ples - cf. Madas 1988), which is in harmony with chronological index for late phases of Vinča (Ga-
J. Vuković’s analyses for Vinča corpus-13.67, and rašanin 1951, 51, 52). It is only in his later works
for Motel Slatina-14.11 (Vuković 2011, 91, 92, T. that he acknowledged that bowls with everted
1–3). Although Gomolava sample is too small for rim are typical for his Vinča-Pločnik IIb phase
such analysis (11 examples - cf. Jovanović 2015), (Garašanin 1973, 94, 95; Garašanin 1979, 179, sl.
it is interesting to see that calculated rim diam- 13/33). Strong association of bowls with everted
eter CV for 11 bowls with everted rim from Go- rim with the latest phase of Vinča culture has
molava is 11.66. been fully acknowledged only after the publi-
cation of pottery from Vinča D sites at Divos-
Chronological position of bowls with evert- tin, Grivac and Crkvine-Mali Borak where such
ed rim has not been established properly in ear- shapes almost absolutely dominate the corpus
liest studies of Vinča-culture pottery. Profes-
Figure 11. Map of the Central Balkans with marked Neolithic sites discussed in the text
(base map courtesy of M. Milinković)
viation of rim diameter for Stubline sample is sor M. Vasić published only few such bowls in
2.84, whereas mean value is also somewhat dif- his four volume monographs (Vasić 1936, 113, T.
ferent-17.47 (Figure 10). Third statistical param- LXVI/191b, T. LXVII/191c), although we know
eter that was included in J. Vuković’s study is co- that they dominate the corpus from the latest
efficient of variation (CV) which should signal horizon at Vinča site. V. Milojčić hasn’t signaled
whether, and to what extent, pottery production out this type of bowl as being of any importance
standardization existed (Vuković 2011). Follow- for Vinča culture chronology, although he pub-
ing the same methodology CV for rim diameter lished several finds as typical for his Vinča D pe-
for Stubline bowls is 16.29 excluding miniatures riod (Milojčić 1949, Taf. 34/3). In his published
and exceptionally large ones. We have calculated doctoral thesis M. Garašanin also didn’t con-
that CV for Divostin sample is 14.56 (36 exam- sider this type of bowls as being important as
ples - cf. Madas 1988), which is in harmony with chronological index for late phases of Vinča (Ga-
J. Vuković’s analyses for Vinča corpus-13.67, and rašanin 1951, 51, 52). It is only in his later works
for Motel Slatina-14.11 (Vuković 2011, 91, 92, T. that he acknowledged that bowls with everted
1–3). Although Gomolava sample is too small for rim are typical for his Vinča-Pločnik IIb phase
such analysis (11 examples - cf. Jovanović 2015), (Garašanin 1973, 94, 95; Garašanin 1979, 179, sl.
it is interesting to see that calculated rim diam- 13/33). Strong association of bowls with everted
eter CV for 11 bowls with everted rim from Go- rim with the latest phase of Vinča culture has
molava is 11.66. been fully acknowledged only after the publi-
cation of pottery from Vinča D sites at Divos-
Chronological position of bowls with evert- tin, Grivac and Crkvine-Mali Borak where such
ed rim has not been established properly in ear- shapes almost absolutely dominate the corpus
liest studies of Vinča-culture pottery. Profes-