Page 73 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 6(1) (2018)
P. 73
ia universitatis
bowls with everted r im from stubline 73
Figure 7. Excavated trenches with number of analyzed bowls with everted rim plotted on the geomagnetic plan
and aerial photography (Belgrade City Museum archive)
purely decorative spiral application. Only one re- alongside with biconical bowls with rounded
constructed bowl from 2008 excavations is dec- shoulder are the only Vinča culture vessels that
orated in typical manner for such bowls from are most commonly decorated both on the in-
Vinča site and Gomolava necropoliss (cf. Vu- ner and the outer side of the recipient (cf. Jova-
ković 2011; Jovanović 2015). Rim is decorated nović 2014; Jovanović 2015). Bowls with evert-
with slanting channelled fields while interior of ed rim from Gomolava necropolis are lavishly
the vessel is ornamented with burnished parallel decorated with ornamental compositions con-
lines that were probably organized in four me- sisting of burnished and polished zones form-
topic fields (Figure 6/3). ing cross-like motifs surrounded by zones with
slanting burnished lines (cf. Jovanović 2015, T.
Based on the published data, significant IV/5, T. XVII/4, 5). Similar ornamental com-
number of the bowls with everted rim from oth- positions are found on the bowls from the site
er Vinča culture sites is decorated. Such bowls
bowls with everted r im from stubline 73
Figure 7. Excavated trenches with number of analyzed bowls with everted rim plotted on the geomagnetic plan
and aerial photography (Belgrade City Museum archive)
purely decorative spiral application. Only one re- alongside with biconical bowls with rounded
constructed bowl from 2008 excavations is dec- shoulder are the only Vinča culture vessels that
orated in typical manner for such bowls from are most commonly decorated both on the in-
Vinča site and Gomolava necropoliss (cf. Vu- ner and the outer side of the recipient (cf. Jova-
ković 2011; Jovanović 2015). Rim is decorated nović 2014; Jovanović 2015). Bowls with evert-
with slanting channelled fields while interior of ed rim from Gomolava necropolis are lavishly
the vessel is ornamented with burnished parallel decorated with ornamental compositions con-
lines that were probably organized in four me- sisting of burnished and polished zones form-
topic fields (Figure 6/3). ing cross-like motifs surrounded by zones with
slanting burnished lines (cf. Jovanović 2015, T.
Based on the published data, significant IV/5, T. XVII/4, 5). Similar ornamental com-
number of the bowls with everted rim from oth- positions are found on the bowls from the site
er Vinča culture sites is decorated. Such bowls