Page 74 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 6(1) (2018)
P. 74
dia universitatis her editati, letnik 6 (2018), številk a 1 74of Vinča (Vuković 2011, 89, 90). Majority of the
bowls with everted rim from Divostin (Madas
hereditati1988) and Motel Slatina (Vuković 2011, 90) are
undecorated as are the examples from Stubline. Figure 8. Miniature bowl with everted rim in situ with
other vessels from the house 1_2014 (Belgrade City Mu-
Contextual Data seum archive)
Bowls with everted rim were collected during
every excavation campaign carried out at Stub- in the vicinity of the hearth (Spasić, Živanović
line (Figure 7). The most numerous are finds and Stojić 2015, 32, 39, Fig. 17/14, 15, Fig. 28). Oc-
from the trenches investigated during 2008 and currence of several bowls within the single house
2017–2018, while the smallest sample comes could speak in favour of claim that they were
from trenches excavated during the 2015 sea- used individually.
son. Such finding circumstances are affected
by the size of investigated area,1 and by the dif- Bowls with everted rim are mostly associat-
ferent date of the excavated feature.2 There are ed with houses at other Vinča-culture sites also.
two main contexts of find for bowls with evert- Seven whole and fragmented bowls were found
ed from Stubline. Majority of them were found in house 2/79 at Banjica (Tripković 2007, 185).
in fragmented condition, discarded and depos- Two houses from the late Vinča-culture settle-
ited in waste pits, or were secondary used along ment of Divostin in Central Serbia contained
other recycled material for padding and pack- more than ten bowls with everted rim (Madas
ing of oven and house floors, etc. The share of 1988).
such context find for Stubline sample is around
90%. High number of specimens from single The only example of non-settlement con-
waste contexts implies that bowls with everted text find comes from Gomolava necropolis
rims were often discarded and replaced with new where bowls with everted rim have been found
once. On the other hand their common appear- in graves 2/2973, 3/1976, 7/1976, 8/1976, 10/1976,
ance as fill material along other domestic waste
in ditches signals that they were one of the most
used tableware shapes.
Bowls with everted rim were found inside
houses also, in their original place of use, or near
it. Examples from house 1_2008 are most in-
structive for contextual analysis since seven of
them were found inside. Bowls were almost en-
tirely preserved, and are secondary burnt. They
were placed either near the oven, or near the out-
er house wall. One miniature bowl was found
near the oven in the house 1_2014 also (Figure 8;
Spasić, Živanović and Stojić 2015, 33, 39, Fig. 17/1,
Fig.28), while additional two specimens were re-
covered from the stock of consumption vessels
found near the eastern wall, outside of the house,
1 Trench excavated during the 2017–2018 campaign is up until now
the largest one with area of 15x15 meters.
2 Waste pits investigated during the 2015 season were filled with
chronologically older material, which resulted in the low number
of collected bowls with everted rim.
bowls with everted rim from Divostin (Madas
hereditati1988) and Motel Slatina (Vuković 2011, 90) are
undecorated as are the examples from Stubline. Figure 8. Miniature bowl with everted rim in situ with
other vessels from the house 1_2014 (Belgrade City Mu-
Contextual Data seum archive)
Bowls with everted rim were collected during
every excavation campaign carried out at Stub- in the vicinity of the hearth (Spasić, Živanović
line (Figure 7). The most numerous are finds and Stojić 2015, 32, 39, Fig. 17/14, 15, Fig. 28). Oc-
from the trenches investigated during 2008 and currence of several bowls within the single house
2017–2018, while the smallest sample comes could speak in favour of claim that they were
from trenches excavated during the 2015 sea- used individually.
son. Such finding circumstances are affected
by the size of investigated area,1 and by the dif- Bowls with everted rim are mostly associat-
ferent date of the excavated feature.2 There are ed with houses at other Vinča-culture sites also.
two main contexts of find for bowls with evert- Seven whole and fragmented bowls were found
ed from Stubline. Majority of them were found in house 2/79 at Banjica (Tripković 2007, 185).
in fragmented condition, discarded and depos- Two houses from the late Vinča-culture settle-
ited in waste pits, or were secondary used along ment of Divostin in Central Serbia contained
other recycled material for padding and pack- more than ten bowls with everted rim (Madas
ing of oven and house floors, etc. The share of 1988).
such context find for Stubline sample is around
90%. High number of specimens from single The only example of non-settlement con-
waste contexts implies that bowls with everted text find comes from Gomolava necropolis
rims were often discarded and replaced with new where bowls with everted rim have been found
once. On the other hand their common appear- in graves 2/2973, 3/1976, 7/1976, 8/1976, 10/1976,
ance as fill material along other domestic waste
in ditches signals that they were one of the most
used tableware shapes.
Bowls with everted rim were found inside
houses also, in their original place of use, or near
it. Examples from house 1_2008 are most in-
structive for contextual analysis since seven of
them were found inside. Bowls were almost en-
tirely preserved, and are secondary burnt. They
were placed either near the oven, or near the out-
er house wall. One miniature bowl was found
near the oven in the house 1_2014 also (Figure 8;
Spasić, Živanović and Stojić 2015, 33, 39, Fig. 17/1,
Fig.28), while additional two specimens were re-
covered from the stock of consumption vessels
found near the eastern wall, outside of the house,
1 Trench excavated during the 2017–2018 campaign is up until now
the largest one with area of 15x15 meters.
2 Waste pits investigated during the 2015 season were filled with
chronologically older material, which resulted in the low number
of collected bowls with everted rim.