Page 89 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 6(1) (2018)
P. 89
ia universitatisMiddle Neolithic Absolute Dating In North Croatia
89 – New Research
Katarina Botić, Institute of Archaeology, Zagreb
Nove raziskave so v zadnjih petnajstih letih razkrile nekaj novih ključnih informacij o srednjem neolitiku se-
verne Hrvaške. Prvič je bilo južno od reke Drave izkopano najdišče kulture linearno trakaste keramike Do-
nji Miholjac - Vrančari, kar je vodilo do revizije najdb iz starejših izkopavanj na lokacijah Virovitica - Breki-
nja in Kaniška Iva - Osušak. Spoznali smo nov kronološki položaj in možen nastanek tipa Ražište, medtem
ko so vprašanja o poreklu in razvoju kultur Korenovo in Sopot še vedno v veliki meri neodgovorjena. Kro-
nološko modeliranje srednje neolitske sekvence je mogoče le delno zaradi majhnega števila razpoložljivih
radiokarbonskih datumov.
Ključne besede: severna Hrvaška, srednji neolitik, pozno starčevo, LTK, Ražište
Over the last 15 years, new research brought to light several new key pieces of information regarding the
middle Neolithic in north Croatia. For the first time the LBK site Donji Miholjac – Vrancari was exca-
vated south of Drava river which lead to the revision of finds from older excavations at Virovitica – Bre-
kinja and Kaniška Iva – Osušak sites. New chronological position and possible origin of Ražište type
was recognized while questions regarding origin and development of Korenovo and Sopot culture still
remain largely unanswered. Chronological modelling of the middle Neolithic sequence is only partial-
ly possible due to the low number of available radiocarbon dates.
Key words: north Croatia, middle Neolithic, late Starčevo, LBK, Ražište
North Croatia, mostly territory be-
tween three mayor rivers, Sava, Dra- and B, first present at Kaniška Iva – Osušak
va and Danube, was populated by site and the second on most of the known sites
including Malo Korenovo. This term was used
Starčevo culture during the early and Sopot to describe a time of Vinča A-B phases, the
culture with its local variants during the late end of Korenovo culture and the beginning of
phase of the Neolithic with late Vinča cul- Sopot culture in eastern Slavonia (Marković
ture present in its final stages in the most east- 1994, 27).
ern part of the territory (Marković 1994, 27). New archaeological research conduct-
Term middle Neolithic was seldom used be- ed on large infrastructure, such as road or gas
cause there were no evidences, or no evidenc- pipeline construction, and very rarely small
es were published, of Transdanubian LBK cul- scale systematic excavations, yielded new and
ture besides its variant recognized as Korenovo very interesting results. Several sites are of spe-
culture (Dimitrijević 1961; Dimitrijević 1979; cific interest and the results obtained from the
Težak-Gregl 1993). Korenovo culture occupied research conducted there will be discussed fur-
north-western part of Croatia in two stages, A ther.
89 – New Research
Katarina Botić, Institute of Archaeology, Zagreb
Nove raziskave so v zadnjih petnajstih letih razkrile nekaj novih ključnih informacij o srednjem neolitiku se-
verne Hrvaške. Prvič je bilo južno od reke Drave izkopano najdišče kulture linearno trakaste keramike Do-
nji Miholjac - Vrančari, kar je vodilo do revizije najdb iz starejših izkopavanj na lokacijah Virovitica - Breki-
nja in Kaniška Iva - Osušak. Spoznali smo nov kronološki položaj in možen nastanek tipa Ražište, medtem
ko so vprašanja o poreklu in razvoju kultur Korenovo in Sopot še vedno v veliki meri neodgovorjena. Kro-
nološko modeliranje srednje neolitske sekvence je mogoče le delno zaradi majhnega števila razpoložljivih
radiokarbonskih datumov.
Ključne besede: severna Hrvaška, srednji neolitik, pozno starčevo, LTK, Ražište
Over the last 15 years, new research brought to light several new key pieces of information regarding the
middle Neolithic in north Croatia. For the first time the LBK site Donji Miholjac – Vrancari was exca-
vated south of Drava river which lead to the revision of finds from older excavations at Virovitica – Bre-
kinja and Kaniška Iva – Osušak sites. New chronological position and possible origin of Ražište type
was recognized while questions regarding origin and development of Korenovo and Sopot culture still
remain largely unanswered. Chronological modelling of the middle Neolithic sequence is only partial-
ly possible due to the low number of available radiocarbon dates.
Key words: north Croatia, middle Neolithic, late Starčevo, LBK, Ražište
North Croatia, mostly territory be-
tween three mayor rivers, Sava, Dra- and B, first present at Kaniška Iva – Osušak
va and Danube, was populated by site and the second on most of the known sites
including Malo Korenovo. This term was used
Starčevo culture during the early and Sopot to describe a time of Vinča A-B phases, the
culture with its local variants during the late end of Korenovo culture and the beginning of
phase of the Neolithic with late Vinča cul- Sopot culture in eastern Slavonia (Marković
ture present in its final stages in the most east- 1994, 27).
ern part of the territory (Marković 1994, 27). New archaeological research conduct-
Term middle Neolithic was seldom used be- ed on large infrastructure, such as road or gas
cause there were no evidences, or no evidenc- pipeline construction, and very rarely small
es were published, of Transdanubian LBK cul- scale systematic excavations, yielded new and
ture besides its variant recognized as Korenovo very interesting results. Several sites are of spe-
culture (Dimitrijević 1961; Dimitrijević 1979; cific interest and the results obtained from the
Težak-Gregl 1993). Korenovo culture occupied research conducted there will be discussed fur-
north-western part of Croatia in two stages, A ther.