Page 92 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 6(1) (2018)
P. 92
dia universitatis her editati, letnik 6 (2018), številk a 1 92
Figure 3. Donji Miholjac – Vrancari (Dizdar and Tonc 2016, 38, Fig. 3; plan made by Arheo plan Ltd. and K. Botić)
Podgorač – Ražište (Figure 1, 4; Figure 4) ic research. In 1975 an area of 75 m2 was explored
(Marković 1985) with additional 150 m2 in 2013
The site, situated east of Našice in Osijek-Baran- and 2015 (Marković and Botić 2014; Marković
ja County, was excavated in 1975 and again in and Botić 2016). Three large pits were excavat-
2013 and 2015 as a part of small scale systemat- ed, a few smaller ones and a part of larger ob-
Figure 3. Donji Miholjac – Vrancari (Dizdar and Tonc 2016, 38, Fig. 3; plan made by Arheo plan Ltd. and K. Botić)
Podgorač – Ražište (Figure 1, 4; Figure 4) ic research. In 1975 an area of 75 m2 was explored
(Marković 1985) with additional 150 m2 in 2013
The site, situated east of Našice in Osijek-Baran- and 2015 (Marković and Botić 2014; Marković
ja County, was excavated in 1975 and again in and Botić 2016). Three large pits were excavat-
2013 and 2015 as a part of small scale systemat- ed, a few smaller ones and a part of larger ob-