Page 93 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 6(1) (2018)
P. 93
ia universitatis
middle neolithic absolute dating in north croatia – new r esearch 93
Figure 4. Podgorač – Ražište (plan made by K. Botić; photo by K. Šobat)
ject, possibly a long house (Botić 2017, 59–61). Z. but without typical Ražište elements such as zo-
Marković realized that pottery finds from this omorphic appliques or incised semi-circular mo-
site and several sites in the region around Našice tifs. Three dates were obtained for this site, all
are different form classical Sopot finds and in AMS (Marković and Botić 2016, 66; Botić 2017,
1985 he determined this style as Ražište type of 230): DeA-8339, charcoal, 6413±30 BP, 5467–
Sopot culture. Excavations in 2013 and 2015 con- 5364 cal BC (68.2%), 5470–5327 cal BC (95.4%);
firmed the hypothesis of different style but went DeA-8338 charcoal, 6109±29 BP, 5196–4987 cal
further and established an older pottery phase BC (68.2%), 5207–4943 cal BC (95.4%); DeA-
which consists of globular and pedestaled vessels
middle neolithic absolute dating in north croatia – new r esearch 93
Figure 4. Podgorač – Ražište (plan made by K. Botić; photo by K. Šobat)
ject, possibly a long house (Botić 2017, 59–61). Z. but without typical Ražište elements such as zo-
Marković realized that pottery finds from this omorphic appliques or incised semi-circular mo-
site and several sites in the region around Našice tifs. Three dates were obtained for this site, all
are different form classical Sopot finds and in AMS (Marković and Botić 2016, 66; Botić 2017,
1985 he determined this style as Ražište type of 230): DeA-8339, charcoal, 6413±30 BP, 5467–
Sopot culture. Excavations in 2013 and 2015 con- 5364 cal BC (68.2%), 5470–5327 cal BC (95.4%);
firmed the hypothesis of different style but went DeA-8338 charcoal, 6109±29 BP, 5196–4987 cal
further and established an older pottery phase BC (68.2%), 5207–4943 cal BC (95.4%); DeA-
which consists of globular and pedestaled vessels