Page 90 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 6(1) (2018)
P. 90
dia universitatis her editati, letnik 6 (2018), številk a 1 90
Figure 1. 1. Virovitica – Brekinja; 2. Donji Miholjac – Vrancari; 3. Golinci – Selište; 4. Podgorač – Ražište; 5. Novi Perk-
ovci – Krčavina; 6. Kaniška Iva – Osušak (made by K. Botić).
Virovitica – Brekinja Donji Miholjac – Vrancari
(Figure1, 1; Figure 2, 1) (Figure 1, 2; Figure 3)
The site was excavated in 2015 on a bypass road
The site was excavated in 2005 on a bypass road southwest of Donji Mihojac in Osijek-Baran-
southwest of Virovitica in Virovitica-Podravi- ja County. The excavated area was 5400 m2.
na County. Of 9000 m2 excavated, the Neolith- The features and finds belong to Transdanu-
ic settlement occupied 5400 m2 (Sekelj-Ivančan bian LBK culture with some possible Starče-
and Balen 2006a, 67; Sekelj-Ivančan and Balen vo finds (Dizdar and Tonc 2016). Pottery has
2006b, 76; Sekelj-Ivančan and Balen 2007, 21; all the characteristics of this culture: sand and
Đukić 2014, 108). The features and finds were gravel tempering of coarse wares, chaff temper-
published as Starčevo but after the recent revi- ing, attempt of polished surface and low quali-
sion it was concluded that large number of fea- ty of firing of fine wares, finger impression motif
tures belongs to houses similar in construction under the rim of the vessels, deeply incised spi-
to long houses of LBK type (Botić 2017, 69–71). ral motif etc. Four dates were obtained for this
Two radiocarbon dates were published, both site, all AMS (Botić 2017, 231): DeA-11080, char-
AMS (Sekelj-Ivančan and Balen 2007, 24): Beta coal, 6420±32 BP, 5467–5369 cal BC (68.2%),
212603, charcoal, 6470±70 BP, 5488–5364 cal 5472–5331 cal BC (95.4%); DeA-11168, non-ar-
BC (68.2%), 5557–5312 cal BC (95.4%) and Beta ticulated animal bone, 6416±40 BP, 5468–5364
212601, charcoal, 6350±80 BP, 5465–5228 cal BC cal BC (68.2%), 5472–5325 cal BC (95.4%); DeA-
(68.2%), 5482–5079 cal BC (95.4%). 11166, non-articulated animal bone, 6379±36
Figure 1. 1. Virovitica – Brekinja; 2. Donji Miholjac – Vrancari; 3. Golinci – Selište; 4. Podgorač – Ražište; 5. Novi Perk-
ovci – Krčavina; 6. Kaniška Iva – Osušak (made by K. Botić).
Virovitica – Brekinja Donji Miholjac – Vrancari
(Figure1, 1; Figure 2, 1) (Figure 1, 2; Figure 3)
The site was excavated in 2015 on a bypass road
The site was excavated in 2005 on a bypass road southwest of Donji Mihojac in Osijek-Baran-
southwest of Virovitica in Virovitica-Podravi- ja County. The excavated area was 5400 m2.
na County. Of 9000 m2 excavated, the Neolith- The features and finds belong to Transdanu-
ic settlement occupied 5400 m2 (Sekelj-Ivančan bian LBK culture with some possible Starče-
and Balen 2006a, 67; Sekelj-Ivančan and Balen vo finds (Dizdar and Tonc 2016). Pottery has
2006b, 76; Sekelj-Ivančan and Balen 2007, 21; all the characteristics of this culture: sand and
Đukić 2014, 108). The features and finds were gravel tempering of coarse wares, chaff temper-
published as Starčevo but after the recent revi- ing, attempt of polished surface and low quali-
sion it was concluded that large number of fea- ty of firing of fine wares, finger impression motif
tures belongs to houses similar in construction under the rim of the vessels, deeply incised spi-
to long houses of LBK type (Botić 2017, 69–71). ral motif etc. Four dates were obtained for this
Two radiocarbon dates were published, both site, all AMS (Botić 2017, 231): DeA-11080, char-
AMS (Sekelj-Ivančan and Balen 2007, 24): Beta coal, 6420±32 BP, 5467–5369 cal BC (68.2%),
212603, charcoal, 6470±70 BP, 5488–5364 cal 5472–5331 cal BC (95.4%); DeA-11168, non-ar-
BC (68.2%), 5557–5312 cal BC (95.4%) and Beta ticulated animal bone, 6416±40 BP, 5468–5364
212601, charcoal, 6350±80 BP, 5465–5228 cal BC cal BC (68.2%), 5472–5325 cal BC (95.4%); DeA-
(68.2%), 5482–5079 cal BC (95.4%). 11166, non-articulated animal bone, 6379±36