Page 94 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 6(1) (2018)
P. 94
dia universitatis her editati, letnik 6 (2018), številk a 1 945159, charcoal, 6004±27 BP, 4934–4848 cal BCKorenovo culture in general besides the partial-
(68.2%), 4982–4806 cal BC (95.4%). ly published date from site Kukunjevac – Brod
hereditati excavated in 2012 near Lipik in Požega-Slavonia
Golinci – Selište (Figure 1, 3) County: Beta-340932, 4940–4790 cal BC (95%)
The site was excavated in 2009 on a gas pipeline (Ivanković 2013, 173; Ivanković 2014, 58).
southeast of Donji Miholjac in Osijek-Baranja
County. The excavated area was 575 m2. Small- Discussion
er features were excavated, which yielded finds Virovitica – Brekinja site, situated in a flat Dra-
of Ražište type of pottery among other. The pot- va region, shows similar characteristics to Sze-
tery from this site has both characteristics of ntgyörgyvölgy-Pityerdomb site, situated west of
younger phase of Ražište style and of LBK ele- the Balaton Lake. On this site long houses were
ments not entirely present at Ražište site so far. found and the pottery shows both late Starče-
It is not clear what the excavated features rep- vo and earliest LBK characteristics. Although
resent because of a very narrow area excavated. most of the finds from Virovitica – Brekinja site
One AMS date has been published from this site were not published, there is a fragment of a bell
(Čataj and Janeš 2013, 170; Botić 2017, 223): LTL shaped pedestal that is worth mentioning. This
5772A, charcoal, 6160±45 BP, 5207–5054 cal pedestal was incorporated in the conical pedes-
BC (68.2%), 5226–4980 cal BC (95.4%). taled vessel reconstruction (Sekelj-Ivančan and
Balen 2007, 25; Đukić 2014, 109, cat. no. 304)
Novi Perkovci – Krčavina (Figure 1, 5) and described as of Starčevo provenience but it
The site was excavated in 2005 and 2006 on a bears great similarity with a bell shaped pedestal
highway southwest of Đakovo in Osijek-Baranja from Szentgyörgyvölgy-Pityerdomb site (Bánffy
County. The excavated area was 18000 m2. Fea- 2004, 106–107, Fig. 40: 29, 232). It is very pos-
tures from various Neolithic phases were exca- sible that the same coexistence of two pottery
vated although it is not clear if some of them rep- stiles occurred at Virovitica – Brekinja site. Sze-
resent long houses from the Neolithic period ntgyörgyvölgy-Pityerdomb site is dated between
(there were traces of middle and late Bronze Age 5480 and 5360 cal BC (Bánffy 2004, 299–309;
settlements and possibly cemetery at the site). Oross and Bánffy 2009, 179) which, again, is
Pottery shows Ražište type elements but with similar to dates obtained for Virovitica – Bre-
more Sopot and Vinča influences. Two conven- kinja site.
tional radiocarbon dates are available from this
site (Marković and Botić 2008, 16–17; Botić Further east, very close to one of the Drava
2017, 224): Z-3800, charcoal, 6040±100 BP, river crossings, is Donji Miholjac – Vrancari site.
5191–4798 cal BC (68.2%), 5216–4720 cal BC It is unique in its inner structure of long houses
(95.4%); Z-3799, charcoal, 5862±138 BP, 4897– and pottery of clearly Transdanubian LBK fea-
4549 cal BC (68.2%), 5198–4374 cal BC (95.4%). tures. This is the first such site recognized south
of Drava river and although there is a very small
To these sites new observations should be percentage of finds of possible late Starčevo pro-
added about Kaniška Iva – Osušak site (Figure venience, most of it is LBK. Dates from this site
1, 6; Figure 2, 2), excavated in 1978 (Težak-Gregl correspond to the dates from Virovitica – Bre-
1991). It also become clear in the recent revision kinja site.
that the feature 4 (Težak-Gregl 1991, Plan 1), a
long pit, can represent part of a long house (Botić About 30 km south-east, near Našice,
2017, 73–74). This observation is even more plau- Podgorač – Ražište site is situated. Pottery
sible if we bear in mind that it belongs to Koreno- style of this site was recognized somewhat dif-
vo culture, a local variant of LBK. However, no ferent from classical Sopot pottery and named
radiocarbon dates are available for this site or the Ražište type in 1985 but new excavations showed
that what was firstly recognized was actual-
(68.2%), 4982–4806 cal BC (95.4%). ly published date from site Kukunjevac – Brod
hereditati excavated in 2012 near Lipik in Požega-Slavonia
Golinci – Selište (Figure 1, 3) County: Beta-340932, 4940–4790 cal BC (95%)
The site was excavated in 2009 on a gas pipeline (Ivanković 2013, 173; Ivanković 2014, 58).
southeast of Donji Miholjac in Osijek-Baranja
County. The excavated area was 575 m2. Small- Discussion
er features were excavated, which yielded finds Virovitica – Brekinja site, situated in a flat Dra-
of Ražište type of pottery among other. The pot- va region, shows similar characteristics to Sze-
tery from this site has both characteristics of ntgyörgyvölgy-Pityerdomb site, situated west of
younger phase of Ražište style and of LBK ele- the Balaton Lake. On this site long houses were
ments not entirely present at Ražište site so far. found and the pottery shows both late Starče-
It is not clear what the excavated features rep- vo and earliest LBK characteristics. Although
resent because of a very narrow area excavated. most of the finds from Virovitica – Brekinja site
One AMS date has been published from this site were not published, there is a fragment of a bell
(Čataj and Janeš 2013, 170; Botić 2017, 223): LTL shaped pedestal that is worth mentioning. This
5772A, charcoal, 6160±45 BP, 5207–5054 cal pedestal was incorporated in the conical pedes-
BC (68.2%), 5226–4980 cal BC (95.4%). taled vessel reconstruction (Sekelj-Ivančan and
Balen 2007, 25; Đukić 2014, 109, cat. no. 304)
Novi Perkovci – Krčavina (Figure 1, 5) and described as of Starčevo provenience but it
The site was excavated in 2005 and 2006 on a bears great similarity with a bell shaped pedestal
highway southwest of Đakovo in Osijek-Baranja from Szentgyörgyvölgy-Pityerdomb site (Bánffy
County. The excavated area was 18000 m2. Fea- 2004, 106–107, Fig. 40: 29, 232). It is very pos-
tures from various Neolithic phases were exca- sible that the same coexistence of two pottery
vated although it is not clear if some of them rep- stiles occurred at Virovitica – Brekinja site. Sze-
resent long houses from the Neolithic period ntgyörgyvölgy-Pityerdomb site is dated between
(there were traces of middle and late Bronze Age 5480 and 5360 cal BC (Bánffy 2004, 299–309;
settlements and possibly cemetery at the site). Oross and Bánffy 2009, 179) which, again, is
Pottery shows Ražište type elements but with similar to dates obtained for Virovitica – Bre-
more Sopot and Vinča influences. Two conven- kinja site.
tional radiocarbon dates are available from this
site (Marković and Botić 2008, 16–17; Botić Further east, very close to one of the Drava
2017, 224): Z-3800, charcoal, 6040±100 BP, river crossings, is Donji Miholjac – Vrancari site.
5191–4798 cal BC (68.2%), 5216–4720 cal BC It is unique in its inner structure of long houses
(95.4%); Z-3799, charcoal, 5862±138 BP, 4897– and pottery of clearly Transdanubian LBK fea-
4549 cal BC (68.2%), 5198–4374 cal BC (95.4%). tures. This is the first such site recognized south
of Drava river and although there is a very small
To these sites new observations should be percentage of finds of possible late Starčevo pro-
added about Kaniška Iva – Osušak site (Figure venience, most of it is LBK. Dates from this site
1, 6; Figure 2, 2), excavated in 1978 (Težak-Gregl correspond to the dates from Virovitica – Bre-
1991). It also become clear in the recent revision kinja site.
that the feature 4 (Težak-Gregl 1991, Plan 1), a
long pit, can represent part of a long house (Botić About 30 km south-east, near Našice,
2017, 73–74). This observation is even more plau- Podgorač – Ražište site is situated. Pottery
sible if we bear in mind that it belongs to Koreno- style of this site was recognized somewhat dif-
vo culture, a local variant of LBK. However, no ferent from classical Sopot pottery and named
radiocarbon dates are available for this site or the Ražište type in 1985 but new excavations showed
that what was firstly recognized was actual-