Page 111 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 7(1) (2019)
P. 111
ia universitatismemorials, which symbolize the events and victims of Martinović, D.1983: “Cetinje Grad
kultur na baština pr ijestonice cetinja 111 World War II, which is why they are protected by law heroj spomenici NOB-a i narodne
and have the status of a cultural property. Most of them revolucije.” Prosveta. Požarevac: 232.
were erected in the post-war period, as a reflection of
the social and political situation, which affirmed the Martinović, D.J., C. Marković. 1992. “Studija o
achievements of the National Liberation War, seeking spomenicima i spomen obilježjima Cetinja.”
to strengthen the collective memory with the aim of Obod, Cetinje.
not forgetting.
However, when we talk about Montenegro and this pe- Martinović, N. S.1954. Iz okupiranog Cetinja
riod, there is a rare type of monument from this period - Omladinski pokret, XIII/1954, br. 22, 29.
in Cetinje, which is also legally protected and has the novembar.
status of a cultural property, Bunkers from the time of oc-
cupation in World War II. They were built by the occupier, Ministarstvo kulture. 2009. Menadžment plan
for the purpose of repression against the city and popu- Istorijskog jezgra Cetinja. Vlada Crne Gore
lation. Today is a reminder of the difficult days of the oc- sjednica od 28.05.2009. godine, (revidovan,
cupation of Cetinje. Although protected by law, so far 2014): 29-30.
they have not been sufficiently researched and valorized
and very little is known about them. On the basis of the Petrović, P. Nj. 1977. Gorski vijenac.Luča
research, the article presents the historical context of mikrokozma. Beograd: Prosveta Beograd /
their origin and protection, their locations, as well as the Obod Cetinje.
number of bunkers and their condition, as well as the re-
lationship of the local community to this type of cultur- Prekić, A. 2015. “Tradicija NOB-a u
al property. crnogorskom društvu 1945-1955.”
The results of the research have positive effects, in terms MATICA, br. 64, zima 2015. (279-312)
of new knowledge and can contribute to future activ-
ities aimed at their valorisation, presentation, as well as Stanišić, M. 2005. “Dubinski slojevi
integral protection, as an inseparable segment of the Trinaestojulskog ustanka u Crnoj Gori.”
cultural heritage of the Capital of Cetinje. Istorijski institut Crne Gore, Podgorica.
Literatura i izvori Širok. K. 2012. “Identitete, zgodovina in
dediščina prostora – prakse spominjanja
Dragićević, R. 1956. “Cetinje- Istorijski ..., in komemoracije na Goriškem v XX.
razvitak.” Enciklopedija Jugoslavije II. stoletju.” Acta Histriae. 20. 2012: 631–646.
Zagreb: 372-373.
Vlahović, D. 2012. FUTUROPA /Council of
Kirn, G., R. Burghardt Robert. 2012. EUROPE. Public parks of historic town of
“Jugoslovenski partizanski spomenici. Cetinje, Montenegro no. 3 (2012): 52.
Između revolucionarne politike i
apstraktnog modernizma-jugo” Link. Vujović, D. 1966. “Cetinje u danima 13-julskog
pregled postjugoslovenskih istraživanja. // ustanka.” Istorijski zapisi, god. XIX, knj.
leto 2012. // god. 2. // br. 1 //. XXIII, sv. 4. 1966.
Ičević, D. 2015. “Crnogorska nacija- Arhivski izvori
Trinaestojulski ustanak- nova potvrda Dokumentacija Uprave za zaštit kulturnih
crnogorskog identiteta”. Beograd: drugo
izdanje Forum za etničke odnose. (2015): dobara Crne Gore (UZKD CG).
60 -100. Pravilnik o bližim kriterijumima i postupku
utvrđivanja kulturne vrijednosti dobra.
Službeni list Crne Gore (2011), Br. 41/11,
2011. Podgorica
Rješenje o stavljanju pod zaštitu, (Bunkeri iz
doba okupacije u Drugom svjetskom ratu”)
Br. 276/60. 22.04.1960. Cetinje.34
34 Nije objavljeno u službenom listu, jer 1960. nije bila obaveza, tek na-
kon 2010. je to zakonska obaveza ali to je za sada jedino rješenje.
kultur na baština pr ijestonice cetinja 111 World War II, which is why they are protected by law heroj spomenici NOB-a i narodne
and have the status of a cultural property. Most of them revolucije.” Prosveta. Požarevac: 232.
were erected in the post-war period, as a reflection of
the social and political situation, which affirmed the Martinović, D.J., C. Marković. 1992. “Studija o
achievements of the National Liberation War, seeking spomenicima i spomen obilježjima Cetinja.”
to strengthen the collective memory with the aim of Obod, Cetinje.
not forgetting.
However, when we talk about Montenegro and this pe- Martinović, N. S.1954. Iz okupiranog Cetinja
riod, there is a rare type of monument from this period - Omladinski pokret, XIII/1954, br. 22, 29.
in Cetinje, which is also legally protected and has the novembar.
status of a cultural property, Bunkers from the time of oc-
cupation in World War II. They were built by the occupier, Ministarstvo kulture. 2009. Menadžment plan
for the purpose of repression against the city and popu- Istorijskog jezgra Cetinja. Vlada Crne Gore
lation. Today is a reminder of the difficult days of the oc- sjednica od 28.05.2009. godine, (revidovan,
cupation of Cetinje. Although protected by law, so far 2014): 29-30.
they have not been sufficiently researched and valorized
and very little is known about them. On the basis of the Petrović, P. Nj. 1977. Gorski vijenac.Luča
research, the article presents the historical context of mikrokozma. Beograd: Prosveta Beograd /
their origin and protection, their locations, as well as the Obod Cetinje.
number of bunkers and their condition, as well as the re-
lationship of the local community to this type of cultur- Prekić, A. 2015. “Tradicija NOB-a u
al property. crnogorskom društvu 1945-1955.”
The results of the research have positive effects, in terms MATICA, br. 64, zima 2015. (279-312)
of new knowledge and can contribute to future activ-
ities aimed at their valorisation, presentation, as well as Stanišić, M. 2005. “Dubinski slojevi
integral protection, as an inseparable segment of the Trinaestojulskog ustanka u Crnoj Gori.”
cultural heritage of the Capital of Cetinje. Istorijski institut Crne Gore, Podgorica.
Literatura i izvori Širok. K. 2012. “Identitete, zgodovina in
dediščina prostora – prakse spominjanja
Dragićević, R. 1956. “Cetinje- Istorijski ..., in komemoracije na Goriškem v XX.
razvitak.” Enciklopedija Jugoslavije II. stoletju.” Acta Histriae. 20. 2012: 631–646.
Zagreb: 372-373.
Vlahović, D. 2012. FUTUROPA /Council of
Kirn, G., R. Burghardt Robert. 2012. EUROPE. Public parks of historic town of
“Jugoslovenski partizanski spomenici. Cetinje, Montenegro no. 3 (2012): 52.
Između revolucionarne politike i
apstraktnog modernizma-jugo” Link. Vujović, D. 1966. “Cetinje u danima 13-julskog
pregled postjugoslovenskih istraživanja. // ustanka.” Istorijski zapisi, god. XIX, knj.
leto 2012. // god. 2. // br. 1 //. XXIII, sv. 4. 1966.
Ičević, D. 2015. “Crnogorska nacija- Arhivski izvori
Trinaestojulski ustanak- nova potvrda Dokumentacija Uprave za zaštit kulturnih
crnogorskog identiteta”. Beograd: drugo
izdanje Forum za etničke odnose. (2015): dobara Crne Gore (UZKD CG).
60 -100. Pravilnik o bližim kriterijumima i postupku
utvrđivanja kulturne vrijednosti dobra.
Službeni list Crne Gore (2011), Br. 41/11,
2011. Podgorica
Rješenje o stavljanju pod zaštitu, (Bunkeri iz
doba okupacije u Drugom svjetskom ratu”)
Br. 276/60. 22.04.1960. Cetinje.34
34 Nije objavljeno u službenom listu, jer 1960. nije bila obaveza, tek na-
kon 2010. je to zakonska obaveza ali to je za sada jedino rješenje.