Page 47 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 8(1) (2020)
P. 47
ia universitatisparcelacij – doslej še ni bilo dobe, ki bi zbrisala vse pred- 25–37. Trst; Piran: Università degli Studi
poskus br anja zgodovine kultur ne kr ajine na kr asu 47 hodne sledove. di Trieste; Pomorski muzej – Museo del
mare »Sergej Mašera«.
Summary Bratina, P. 2018. »Gradišča Krasa.« Gradišča
v zahodni in osrednji Sloveniji, ur. Dejan
The paper contains an analysis and interpretation of Li- Vončina, 91–101. Gorjansko: Zavod Krasen
DAR images and data showing the area in the Slovene Kras
Karst region. The starting point for my research were Fabec, T. 2012. »Geoarheološke lastnosti
the already known prehistoric settlements. An analysis zapolnitve vrtač na Divaškem Krasu
was carried out of the remains of historic field divisions (Jugozahodna Slovenija).« V Dolgoročne
which could date back to prehistory and antiquity. They spremembe okolja 1, Opera instituti
have been divided into 4 chronologically sequenced archaeologici sloveniae 25, ur. M. Andrič,
groups (according to what can reasonably be assumed) 43–54. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC.
based on their shape: Flego, S., in L. Rupel. 1993. Prazgodovinska
gradišča tržaške pokrajine. Trst:
– 1st field division - oval fields Založništvo tržaškega tiska, d. d.
– 2nd field divioin – organically shaped fields Laharnar, B. 2013. »The Roman Stronghold
– 3rd field division - fields with straight sides at Nadleški hrib, Notranjska Region.«
– 4th field division - fields with irregular sides. Arheološki vestnik 64 (1): 123–47.
Laharnar, B. 2018. »Gradišča med Nanosom
It is most probable that the occurence of oval fields coin- in Snežnikom.« V Gradišča v zahodni in
cided with the onset of agriculture and cremation bur- osrednji Sloveniji, ur. D. Vončina, 26–47.
ials. Organically shaped fields could have fi rst occured Gorjansko: Zavod Krasen Kras.
during the Iron Age whereas fields w ith s traight sides Lozić, E. 2016a. Arheološka interpretacija
that all contain straight parallel lines probably date from lidarskih podatkov za območje Volčji
Ancient Rome. Fields with irregular sides were prob- Grad – Arheološko najdišče Debela griža
ably in use in late antiquity. All four division methods (EŠD 836) Strokovno poročilo o delu in
appear throughout the area. An interesting difference rezultati, strokovno poročilo. https://www.
can be observed between areas close to villages, where
the present division still contains lines of older shapes, interpretacija_lidarskih_ podatkov_za_
and the periphery where individual divisions are for the obmoc_ je_Volc_ ji_Grad_Arheolos_ko_
most part separately 'layered' on top of each other. This najdis_c_e_Debela_griz_a_ES_D_836_
phenomenon could point at different waves of land cul- Strokovno_ poroc_ilo_o_delu_in_
tivation and its abandonment in a given area. rezultatih. Google. 2018.
Lozić, E. 2016b. Arheološka interpretacija
Viri in literatura lidarskih podatkov za širše območje med
Ambrožem (EŠD 765), Grmačo (EŠD
Bernardini, F., G. Vinci, J. Horvat, A. De Min, 4740) in Cerkvencami (EŠD 17658) ter
E. Forte, S. Furlani, D. Lenaz, M. Pipan, arheološki območji Vojščica - Tabor (EŠD
W. Zhao, A. Sgambati, M. Potleca, R. 4734) in Sela na Krasu - Gradišče Podgrac
Micheli, A. Fragiacomo in C. Tuniz. 2015. (EŠD 25710), strokovno poročilo. https://
»Early Roman Military Fortifications and
the Origin of Trieste (Italy).« Proc. Natl. ka_interpretacija_lidarskih_ podatkov_
Acad. Sci. 112 (13): 1520–29. za_s_irs_e_obmoc_ je_med_Ambroz_
Betic, A., F. Bernardini in M. Montagnari in_Cerkvencami_ES_D_17658_
Kokelj. 2008. »I castellieri di Trieste tra
Carso e mare.« Karnia, Terre di Mare:
L’Archeologia dei Paesaggi Costieri e le
Variazioni Climatiche, ur. Rita Auriemma,
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