Page 51 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 8(1) (2020)
P. 51
ia universitatis Preliminary report of archaeological research at the Kastel site
51 in Banja Luka in 2019

Ivana Pandžić
Museum of Republic of Srpska Banja Luka, University of Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska
Slaviša Perić

Belgrade Archeological Institute, University of East Sarajevo, Serbia

Kompleks trdnjave Kastel v središču Banjaluke, na sotočju rek Crkvena in Vrbas, je poligonalne oblike
in zajema površino 26.610 m2 v notranjosti in 21.390 m2 izven obzidja trdnjave. Trdnjavo sestavljajo trije
neenaki deli notranjega prostora ali »dvorišča«, devet bastij, štirje stolpi in trije vhodi. Zgrajena je bila iz
pravokotnega obdelanega kamna v nepravilnem slogu z dodano apneno malto. Sestavni del obrambne-
ga sistema trdnjave je bil jarek, širok 20–30 m, ki je obdajal Kastel na vseh kopenskih straneh in je danes
zasut. Prva arheološka odkritja segajo v leti 1895 in 1924, medtem ko so bila arheološka izkopavanja izve-
dena v več fazah od leta 1971 do 1988. Do danes so dokumentirani ostanki iz poznega paleolitika (Gra-
vettien), neolitika in eneolitika (badenske in vučedolske kulture) ter pozne bronaste in železne dobe.
Ostanki temeljev rimskih zidov, bronaste fibule in številne novčne najdbe iz obdobja od 2. do 4. stoletja
najverjetneje pripadajo rimskemu kastrumu, medtem ko so na območju dvorišča III odkrili keramiko
iz zgodnjega srednjega veka, ki jo lahko povežemo s slovansko naselbino od 9. do 12. stoletja.
Ključne besede: geofizikalno snemanje, revizijska izkopavanja, multiperiodno najdišče

Situated at the heart of Banja Luka city centre, at the mouth of the river Crkvena in Vrbas, the Kastel
Fortress is a complex, polygonal in shape and occupying an area of 2​ 6,610 m2 inside and 21,390 m2 out-
side the fortification walls. The existing fortress consists of three parts of the inner space of different siz-
es, the “courtyards”, nine bastions, four towers and three entrance gates. It is constructed of rectangular
worked stone, in irregular style, with lime mortar added. An integral part of the defense system of the
fort was a 20–30 m wide ditch circling the Kastel fortress and now fully backfilled. The first archeologi-
cal discoveries date from 1895 and 1924, while archaeological excavations were carried out in stages from
1971 to 1988. The findings range in date from the Late Paleolithic (Gravettien), Neolithic and Eneolithic
(Baden and Vučedol cultures), and the Late Bronze and Iron Age. Remains of Roman walls, bronze fib-
ulae, and numerous finds of coins from the 2nd to 4th century AD probably deriving from the Roman
castrum. Pottery recovered from investigations into the Courtyard III was dated to the early medieval
period, possibly corresponding to the Slavic settlement from the period between 9th and 12 th century.
Keywords: geophysical research, revision excavation, multilayered site

History of Kastel fortress which flows into the Vrbas on the north-western
and of archaeological research side of the fortress (Figure 1). The small hill was
a suitable strategic point and has been inhabit-
The Kastel fortress is located on a small ed since prehistoric times. The oldest discover-
hill on the left bank of the Vrbas riv- ies (flint tools) date back to the Gravettien peri-
er and next to the small river Crkvena od, ie. the latest stages of the Upper Palaeolithic

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