Page 55 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 8(1) (2020)
P. 55
ia universitatis

pr eliminary r eport of archaeological r esearch at the k astel site in banja luk a in 2019 55
Figure 4 Geophysical research results in the form of electromagnetic anomaly maps.

m and with a resolution of data for every 0.02 m by the presence of stone, binder material, buri-
GPR profile. Recording time was 64 ns (depth als filled with different material, parts of build-
of about 3m). The antenna made direct contact ings, etc. These anomalies cause increased val-
with the ground during the acquisition. The re- ues ​o​ f the amplitudes of electromagnetic waves,
search was carried out in the framework of 8 re- shown with light shades on the map. Looking at
search fields (from A to H), and the arrangement the results of this survey, we can generally con-
of these research fields is given in Figure 3. clude that anomalous values ​o​ f the electromag-
netic field (light shades) are observed in each of
Geophysical research results are presented the survey fields, which indicate the heterogene-
in the form of electromagnetic anomaly maps ity of the ground subsurface and the clear pres-
(Figure 4). Electromagnetic anomaly maps are ence of underground objects or infrastructure.
the product of processing all registered geo-ra-
dar profiles, generating 3D models and then ex- More pronounced anomalies are found on
tracting horizontal sections at multiple depth the west side of Kastel site (researched fields B,
levels. In this case, the depth levels were 30 cm, C, D and E; Figures 3, 5), as well as inside the
100 cm, 130 cm, 170 cm, 210 cm and 320 cm. Kastel (researched field A; figures 3, 5) where
When defining the depth grip, an average veloc- anomalies (light shades in the annexes) are ob-
ity of propagation of electromagnetic waves of served in shape and geometry and may be caused
10 cm/ns was taken. For example, in Figure 4, by the existence of remains of buildings in the
at a depth of 170 cm, homogeneous soil is rep- subsurface part of the soil. On the east side of
resented in black, while anomalous values ​a​re Kastel (researched fields G and H; Figures 3, 5)
shown in light shades. Anomalous value means is noticeable the absence of geometric shaped
inhomogeneities in the soil which can be caused anomalies (which we expected), implying that
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