Page 56 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 8(1) (2020)
P. 56
Figure 5 Marking of the electromagnetic anomalies. Research on the courtyard II inside Kastel
the east side of Kastel was probably suscepti- Alongside the geophysical survey and research,
ble to erosion or other types of devastation, as a we begun to work on cleaning the Courtyard
probable explanation for the lack of any strati- II site within the walls of the ramparts. The last
graphically defined occupation horizon. Also, works at this site were completed in 1988 and
the most pronounced anomalies are located in since then it has been abandoned.; Over time
the north of the investigated field G (Figures 3, it even served as a soil and overburden dispos-
5), at a depth of more than 2 m, which lead us to al area for works undertaken at Kastel. During
the conclusion that this part of the site is filled the spring work2 at the Courtyard II site, the
with recent material and that the possible pres- eastern part of the building was cleaned, start-
ence of buildings can be observed only at great- ing from its northeast side. The cleaning was car-
er depths. The interpretation of the results was ried out according to the already defined rooms,
done by marking the electromagnetic anomalies which we marked with Arabic numerals 1 to 9,
in Figure 5, where the yellow line indicates some moving from the north-western room as the in-
of the anomalies that may be caused by the exist- itial one towards the south (Drawing 1). The top
ence og buildings below the ground surface, and layer from 0.20 to 0.30m was evenly removed,
the red dashed line indicates the line structures while in the southern part in room P7 the thick-
assumed to correspond to contemporary under-
ground installations. 2 In addition to the authors, at the excavation also paritcipated: Go-
ran Kalinic (archaeologist), Borisic Radic (archaeologist), Aleksan-
dar Milekic (archeologist), and Jugoslav Jeftic (assistant worker).
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