Page 54 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 8(1) (2020)
P. 54
Figure 3 Position of the research fields (from A to H). Geophysical testing 1
Geophysical research conducted by the team of
to prepare all the existing documentation such the “Centre for New Technologies Viminaci-
as geo-referenced geodetic base in digital form, jum” from Belgrade as part of the first phase of
geo-referenced aerial photographs, published pa- the Kastel site excavations in Banja Luka, was
pers as well as all documentation from archaeo- performed using the geo-radar method (GPR),
logical research carried out so far on the site, etc. which allows detailed coverage of the terrain
This initial phase of the work was done as part of in order to detect and discover any remains
the project “Application of modern methodolo- of material culture. The research methodolo-
gy in archaeology (study case: Kastel Banja Luka gy involved the application of a high-resolution
site)”, implemented by the Association of Ar- geo-radar method with a antenna, suitable for
chaeologists of the Republic of Srpska in coop- use in conditions presented at the survey sites.
eration with the PI Museum of the Republic of The research was carried out within the frame-
Srpska, the Centre for New Technologies Vimi- work of the projected rectangular grid, where
nacium Belgrade. The implementation includ- the dimensions of the survey fields were adapt-
ed both the recording of the Kastel site by geo- ed to the conditions in the field. The Georadar
physical methods (Figure 2) and the cleaning of (GPR) method was applied using a 270 MHz an-
the foundations excavated in period 1984 – 1988, tenna, along parallel profiles at a distance of 0.5
within the ramparts of Courtyard II site, which
have not been adequately maintained and have 1 The geophysical recording project was implemented by Vladimir
over the last 30 years practically become “invisi- Miletic, Igor Milosevic, Zeljko Jovanovic and Jelena Miletic from
ble” under the growth. the Center for New Technologies Viminacium Belgrade.
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