Page 93 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 8(1) (2020)
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ia universitatisin my opinion, this is not possible. Its precise origin has Koper, it was donated to the local museum by its own-
helenistični nagrobni steli v kopru in trstu 93 actually already been suggested in 1974 with the pub- er already in 1875.
lication Les Monuments funéraires de Rhénée. Explora-
tion Archéologique de Délos 30 by Marie-Thérèse Couil- Viri in literatura
loud, where the stele of Dorotheos in Koper is included Adams, J. N. 2002. »Biligualism at Delos.« V
in the catalogue of Rheneian stelai. So, I attempted to
confirm her theory, that stele comes from the Greek is- Bilingualism in Ancient Society. Language
land of Rheneia, the necropolis of the island of Delos. Contact and the Written Text, ur. J. N.
Delos was declared a free port by the Romans in 167/166 Adams, M. Janse in S. Swain, 103–28.
BC and was inhabited by Romans as well as many other Oxford: Oxford University Press.
peoples from the Mediterranean and the Middle East. Adams, J. N. 2003. Bilingualism and the
The gens Fulvius was present at Delos, as Marie-Thérèse Latin Language. Cambridge: Cambridge
Couilloud noticed while describing the stele in Ko- University Press.
per. The stele has the same characteristics as the stelai Attanasio, D. 2003. Ancient White
from Rheneia depicting warriors. The Municipal Mu- Marbles: Analysis and Identification by
seum of Antiquity “J. J. Winckelmann” in Trieste has a Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. Rim:
similar stele on display, of the same style, from the same L'Erma di Bretschneider.
period and with a Greek inscription, that describes the Benndorf, O. 1878. »Archäologischer
deceased Pola Orcivia, daughter of Publius and wife of Bericht aus Oesterreich.« Archäologisch-
Gaius Turpilius, as a Roman citizen. The relief depicts epigraphische Mitteilungen aus Österreich-
Pola Orcivia seated, holding the hand of the man stand- Ungarn 2: 166–67.
ing next to her (dexiosis). A smaller figure of a wom- Blouet, A. 1838. Expedition scientifique de
an, a servant with a casket, stands besides Pola. The or- Morée, ordonnée par le Gouvernement
igin of the stele of Pola Orcivia is officially unknown, Français: Architecture, Sculptures,
however the similarities with Cycladic funerary monu- Inscriptions et Vues du Péloponèse, des
ments have already been noticed by Fulvia Mainardis in Cyclades et de l'Attique. Troisième volume.
2004, therefore I tried to confirm in this research that it Paris: Firmin Didot.
also originates from Rheneia, like the stele of Dorothe- Bruneau, P. 1964. »Apotropaia déliens.
os in Koper. Its style, material, dimensions, inscription La massue d'Héraclès.« Bulletin de
and motif, that are the same as the numerous stelai from correspondance hellénique 88: 159–68.
Rheneia, could prove that it originates from the island Bruneau, P. 1970. Recherches sur les cultes de
of Rheneia. The gens Orcivius and Turpilius were also Délos à l’ époque hellénistique et à l’ époque
present at Delos, which supports the theory of its ori- impériale. Pariz: De Boccard.
gin. The stele of Dorotheos in Koper is in very poor con- Carli, G. R. 1788. Delle antichità italiche, Parte
dition, very corroded by rain and humidity, cracks are seconda. Milano: Tipografia del Monastero
present, the inscription is almost completely deteriorat- S. Ambrogio Maggiore.
ed, the face of the figure is completely destroyed. The fa- Cherini, A., in P. Grio. 2001. Bassorilievi
cade of the building where the stele is located is also in a araldici ed epigrafi di Capodistria dalle
poor condition. In my opinion, the Institute for the Pro- origini al 1945. Trst: Fameia Capodistriana.
tection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia or the Ministry Couilloud, M.-T. 1974. Les Monuments
of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia could take prop- funéraires de Rhénée. Exploration
er care of the stele and relocate it to the museum, other- Archéologique de Délos 30. Pariz: De
wise the condition of the stele will be much worse in the Boccard.
next few decades. The stele in Trieste was also immured Couilloud, M.-T. 1975. »Autels et stèles des
in the wall of a private building, but unlike the stele in Cyclades.« Bulletin de correspondance
hellénique 99 (1): 313–29.
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