Page 27 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 3(2) (2015). Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press.
P. 27
ia universitatis Cultural Route of Stonemasons and Stones in the Adriatic:
27 A Conceptual Proposal for the Interpretation and Promotion
of Cultural Heritage in Limestone along the Adriatic coast

Neža Čebron Lipovec and Katarina Šmid

Contemporary heritage interpretation trends, aims of alternative and creative tourism as well as rec-
ommendations by the European Council regarding the promotion of European values and the diverse
European identity form the framework of the present paper which introduces the conceptual proposal
for a new European Cultural Heritage Route of “Stonemasons and Stones in the Adriatic region”. De-
parting as a follow-up activity of passed EU IPA Adriatic projects, the proposal indicates a comprehen-
sive strategy for capitalising the existing knowledge on stonecrafts in the Adriatic and its specific role as
transregional and transnational connector.
Key words: European Cultural Routes, stonemasons, stone, heritage interpretation, tourism

The following Conceptual Proposal for the ture (issued by European Commission in 2007)1
Interpretation and Promotion of Cultural and with the modern heritage interpretation
Heritage and Limestone along the Adri- trends in Europe, as promoted by the European
atic was based and elaborated not only as the Association for Heritage Interpretation (Inter-
continuation and the progress of the knowled- pret Europe).2
ge and results that were gained through the im-
plemented activities within the Work Package The modern heritage interpretation encou-
4 - Platy Limestone as Cultural Heritage of the rages an approach to the non-formal education
RoofOfRock project (IPA Adriatic CBC Pro- that passes the ideas, knowledge and stories abo-
gramme 2007-2013), but also on the experiences ut the historic site, buildings, museum exponats
and good practices regarding the cultural herita- or other cultural heritage monument (of tangi-
ge and especially its interpretation gained throu- ble and intangible heritage) to the general public
gh the other international projects, which were and random visitors. The basic idea is that sight-
carried through the University of Primorska (see seers should perceive interpretation that wou-
Chapter VII). ld enhance their own interpretations of herita-
ge, but they should not feel like being instructed
The Proposal is in line with the principles like „in school“. The deeper meanings and in-
and objectives of the European Agenda for Cul-
1 Official Journal of the European Union, 29. 11. 2007.
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