Page 29 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 3(2) (2015). Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press.
P. 29
ia universitatissively, routes from other chronological contexts al Routes and their impact on SMEs, in terms
cultur al route of stonemasons and stones in the adr iatic ... 29 were proposed too (ie. Mozart route), finally also of innovation, competitiveness and clustering,
routes, not-limited to a specific timeframe, were especially their potential for a more sustain-
submitted, such as Routes of the Olive tree, Pot- able tourism that promotes alternative and di-
tery routes ... It is in this later context that the versified tourist products, especially by promot-
idea of a “Cultural route of stonemasons and ing less known destinations. At the same time,
stone” found its background and support. the study sought to identify the potential that
SMEs, involved in ECR, can have in fostering
In December 2010, the Committee of Mi- intercultural dialogue as well as the richness of
nisters of the Council of Europe adopted the Re- European values and identity.
solution CM/Res(2010)53 that established an
Enlarged Partial Agreement (EPA) which aimed In order to be granted the status of a Euro-
at facilitating a tighter co-operation between sta- pean Cultural Routes a phased procedure (Capp
tes that could develop jointly the Cultural Rou- needs to be followed, fulfilling a set of crite-
tes. This agreement pursues similar objectives as ria and requirements. Here we only list them,
the several European international calls for pro- while the analysis for the specific case follows
jects that address cultural heritage (various In- in the next chapter. In first place, eligibility cri-
terreg programmes, IPA Adriatic, Adrion, MED teria need to be met for the theme of the route
etc.), such as strengthening the potential of cul- itself. Secondly, the CoE stressed the priority
tural heritage of the Cultural Routes for sus­ fields of actions to be planned within the route’s
tainable development, transnational co-operati- programme, namely : a) co-operation in research
on and social cohesion. On a general level, the and development; b) enhancement of memory,
Cultural Routes programme places particular history and European heritage; c) Cultural and
attention to topics concerning the symbolic me- educational exchanges of young Europeans; d)
aning of European identity, unity, history, cul- Contemporary cultural and artistic practice; e)
ture and shared values. On economic level, the Cultural tourism and sustainable cultural devel-
programme has a major impact, or at least a po- opment. Finally, the networks that propose and
tential for impact, on tourism. In this regard, it take over the charge for the management of the
is foremost intended to develop lesser known de- Cultural Route’s activities need to meet a set of
stinations, also by pursuing the concept of al- criteria, among which they must involve sever-
ternative tourism and diversified and innovati- al member countries and the conceptual frame-
ve tourist itineraries. Furthermore, the Cultural work needs to be based on prior research and
Routes can contribute to enhancement of “the supported by the different network partners.
democratic dimension of cultural exchange and
tourism” by involving not only the local commu- European Cultural Route
nities, grassroots networks and associations, but of stonemasons and stones
also the authorities on different levels (from lo- in the Adriatic
cal, regional to national). Finally, with its pri-
mary objective to contribute to the safeguarding Considering the above framework, a “Eu-
and preservation of diverse heritage, it promotes ropean Cultural Route of stonemasons and
the collaboration of academia and research insti- stones”, starting in the eastern Adriatic – but
tutions as well as heritage authorities with local not ­necessarily limited to it – becomes a realis-
authorities and communities in an interdiscipli- tic challenge. Taking into account the already
nary set-up. existing comprehensive databases from former
projects (ie. RoofOfRock, Revitas, Living land-
Moreover, in 2010, the European Com- scape , AS - Archaeology for all, MACC, Drago-
mission (EC) and the Council of Europe (CoE) did...) , the key research material is already gath-
jointly launched a study on European Cultur- ered and only needs to be eventually deepened
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