Page 103 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 5(2) (2017)
P. 103
ia universitatisThe idea ier presentation for the professional and gener-
Since this area is in a bad state, it is not possi- al public. Thanks to modern technology, there
implementation of 3d scanning in pr esentation and pr eservation of cultur al her itage 103 ble to organize visits for museum visitors with- is a growing possibility of popularizing cultur-
out endangering heritage and people. Therefore, al heritage through digitization. The main goal
the application of new technologies has been im- is to digitize in order to protect the endangered
posed as the best solution. The basic idea, in this cultural heritage. One of the specific solutions
case, is the protection and presentation of cul- is to create a 3D model by scanning the endan-
tural heritage through digitization and the ap- gered space with the latest models of the la-
plication of new technologies has been imposed ser scanner, which in addition to high preci-
as a solution. sion features, brings a high-quality camera too.
This procedure will record the current state of
The digitization of cultural heritage is ac- the dungeons, and should simultaneously pro-
cepted as one of the best and most effective pro- vide a precise three-dimensional model includ-
cesses for the protection of cultural heritage ing excellent texture, meaning more precise de-
worldwide. Thanks to the strong and dynam- tails on the walls. 3D laser scanning technology
ic development of modern technology and sci- can be used to map the plan of the ceiling, floor,
ence, the process of converting analogue to bi- wall surfaces, and masonry facades. This tech-
nary code has been defined as an important way nique can be used to provide evidence of possi-
of protecting cultural heritage. Digitalization ble structural shifts or deterioration not appar-
enables the protection of cultural heritage, eas-
Figure 3. Inscriptions made by prisoners (foto by Nenad Jončić)
ent through traditional visual inspection and labour force on the site. In some cases, it is hard
measurement methods5. Laser scanning greatly to reach every part of the building, wall, ceil-
shortens the period of surveying with tradition- ing, or the monument when using convention-
al technical equipment, in relation to work with al methods or scaffolds are required. The impor-
tant question is the extent and how detailed the
5 John, Smits. “Application of 3D Terrestrial Laser Scanning to Map object or surface will be drawn. The scale of the
Building Surfaces.” Journal of Architectural Conservation, 17, no. 1,
(November, 2011) 81, doi: 10.1080 / 13556207.2011.10785083.
Since this area is in a bad state, it is not possi- al public. Thanks to modern technology, there
implementation of 3d scanning in pr esentation and pr eservation of cultur al her itage 103 ble to organize visits for museum visitors with- is a growing possibility of popularizing cultur-
out endangering heritage and people. Therefore, al heritage through digitization. The main goal
the application of new technologies has been im- is to digitize in order to protect the endangered
posed as the best solution. The basic idea, in this cultural heritage. One of the specific solutions
case, is the protection and presentation of cul- is to create a 3D model by scanning the endan-
tural heritage through digitization and the ap- gered space with the latest models of the la-
plication of new technologies has been imposed ser scanner, which in addition to high preci-
as a solution. sion features, brings a high-quality camera too.
This procedure will record the current state of
The digitization of cultural heritage is ac- the dungeons, and should simultaneously pro-
cepted as one of the best and most effective pro- vide a precise three-dimensional model includ-
cesses for the protection of cultural heritage ing excellent texture, meaning more precise de-
worldwide. Thanks to the strong and dynam- tails on the walls. 3D laser scanning technology
ic development of modern technology and sci- can be used to map the plan of the ceiling, floor,
ence, the process of converting analogue to bi- wall surfaces, and masonry facades. This tech-
nary code has been defined as an important way nique can be used to provide evidence of possi-
of protecting cultural heritage. Digitalization ble structural shifts or deterioration not appar-
enables the protection of cultural heritage, eas-
Figure 3. Inscriptions made by prisoners (foto by Nenad Jončić)
ent through traditional visual inspection and labour force on the site. In some cases, it is hard
measurement methods5. Laser scanning greatly to reach every part of the building, wall, ceil-
shortens the period of surveying with tradition- ing, or the monument when using convention-
al technical equipment, in relation to work with al methods or scaffolds are required. The impor-
tant question is the extent and how detailed the
5 John, Smits. “Application of 3D Terrestrial Laser Scanning to Map object or surface will be drawn. The scale of the
Building Surfaces.” Journal of Architectural Conservation, 17, no. 1,
(November, 2011) 81, doi: 10.1080 / 13556207.2011.10785083.