Page 11 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 9(2) (2021)
P. 11
ia universitatisFollowing the Roman Road on Mountain Konjuh near Kladanj
Mersiha Imamović
University of Tuzla, Faculty of Philosophy

Po sledeh rimske ceste na planini Konjuh pri Kladnju
V članku so predstavljeni rezultati raziskav rimske ceste na planini Konjuh (Bosna in Hercegovina). Gre
za sledove cestnih komunikacij, ki so vodile skozi današnja naselja v občini Kladanj. Določena je dolži-
na odkritih (v celoti ali delno ohranjenih) odsekov ceste, nato njihova širina, naklon, višina nasipa ter vr-
sta kamna na očiščenih delih. Na podlagi najdenih sledi je bilo ugotovljeno, da je rimska cesta prihajala
iz smeri Olova, nato pa se je preko prelaza Stara Karaula spustila v Kladanj po jugovzhodnih pobočjih
planine Konjuh. En krak te ceste je vodil iz Kladnja skozi naselja Plahovci in Pauč do kraja Pekara (danes
Moška voda), ki leži v dolini reke Drinjače. Na podlagi najdenih sledi rimske ceste in posnetka le-te ter
avstro-ogrskih posebnih zemljevidov je bila izvedena njihova georeferenca.
Ključne besede: Konjuh, Kladanj, rimska cesta, Dobra voda, Metaljka

This paper presents research results of a Roman road on Mountain Konjuh (Bosnia and Herzegovina).
It documents the remnants of road communications in modern settlements in Konjuh municipality.

We documented the length of the discovered road sections (completely or partially preserved), their

width, slope angle, embankment height, and stone type on the cleaned parts. According to the found

remains, we concluded that this Roman road went from the direction of Olovo, and that it passed the

Stara Karaula pass and over the slopes of Konjuh and then arrived at Kladanj. One leg of this road led

from Kladanj through the settlements of Plahovići and Pauč to Pekara locality (today known as Muš-

ka voda), in the river valley of Drinjača River. We performed its georeferencing according to the found

marks of the Roman road, recording them and studying the Austro-Hungarian maps.

FKey words: Konjuh, Kladanj, Roman road, Dobra voda, Metaljka Philosophy Faculty of Tuzla University. Field ex-
rom June to September 2020, we have per- ploration demanded cooperation and help from
formed the first phase of the research of old colleagues from other institutions, among those
road communications on Konjuh moun-

tain. The project named “Reconnaissance of the were: Prof. Dr Irena Lazar and Prof. Dr Zrinka
old road (cobbled road) on Konjuh” was real- Mileusnić from Primorska University in Koper;
ized in the organization of Tuzla University. The Prof. Dr Snežana Božanić from Novi Sad Uni-
field constituted of Doc. Dr. Mersiha Imamović, versity and assistant Amela Mulahmetović form
project leader; Prof. Emeritus Dr. Enver Imamo- Tuzla University; Museum of Eastern Bosnia in
vić, consultant; Prof. dr. Bego Omerčević, con- Tuzla and Institute for Protection and Exploita-
sultant; History department graduates Nermi- tion of Historical and Natural Heritage of Tuz-

na Bikić, Amina Parlić and Sedin Bedak from la Canton (TK).

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