Page 12 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 9(2) (2021)
P. 12
dia universitatis her editati, letnik 9 (2021), številk a 2 / volume 9 (2021), number 2 12Technical support was provided by pro-Figure 1. Position of Mountain Konjuh.
fessional services, without which the research
hereditatiwould not achieve the accomplished results. Figure 2. Sites in a broader geographical context.
Members of these services are: Dževad Softić, constitutes a chain of bordering (higher) moun-
Supervisor in Public Institution (PI) “Zaštićeni tains which, together with Trebava and Majevi-
Pejsaž Konjuh”; Senad Kavazović; Rešad Ah- ca, represent a transition from Dinara mountain
metović and Edin Šuvalić from PI “Šume TK” system to spacious Pannonian lowland. Konjuh
Public limited Company (PLC) Kladanj; mountain massif is a watershed between Kriva-
Enes Avdibegović; Manager of PI “Šume TK” ja, Spreča and Drinjača. Geologically observed,
PLC Kladanj Amel Mazalović, Manager of PI
“Zaštićeni Pejsaž Konjuh” Vahid Bašić; Minis-
try of Spatial Planning and Environment Pro-
tection TK lead by Elvir Rožnjaković and Min-
istry of Culture, Sport and Youth TK lead by
Srđan Mićanović; Kladanj municipality led by
Mayor Jusuf Čavkunović and his Advisor Denis
Čamdžić, and surveyors Derva Šarac, Amra and
Edis Imamović. Volunteers also helped by clean-
ing the overgrowth and removing the soil to un-
cover the stones on the road route. These oper-
ations were performed by: workers of PI “Šume
TK” PLC Kladanj, workers of PI Zaštićeni Pe-
jsaž Konjuh” (Softić, Hadžikić, Imamović), Cy-
cling Club “Živinice”, Scouting Unit “Plamen”
Banovići, and manager Ovčina with associates.
The Federal Ministry of Education and Sci-
ence partially financed the project. Italian NGO
CISP, led by manager Jasmina Ovčina has pro-
vided significant financial support for the re-
search and exploration of Roman road.

Thanks to everybody who helped in the re-
alization of this phase of research, especially
Professors Imamović and Omerčević, graduates
(now Bachelor of History) Bikić, Parlić and Be-
dak, Supervisor Softić, FMNO and CISP. With-
out the help of the people of ZP Konjuh and For-
estry and their terrain knowledge, such research
could not be performed as effectively.

Research Area Description
Konjuh is a mountain located in the northeast
part of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is bordered
by rivers Seona, Turija, Litva and Oskova on the
north, Gostelja and Tuzla-Sarajevo highway on
the east, and Krivaja on the south and west. To-
gether with Ozren, Javor or Javor Gora, Konjuh
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