Page 13 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 9(2) (2021)
P. 13
ia universitatisit is constituted by serpentinite, diabase and nates system of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Gauss
following the roman road on mountain konjuh near kladanj 13 tuff rocks. Konjuh spreads over five municipal- Kruger projection – Bassel ellipsoid 1841.) and
ities: Kladanj, Olovo, Zavidovići, Banovići and superimposed over the orthophoto template
Živinice. from 2018.

Mountain massif of Konjuh has a diverse By using the vectorization method (creating
flora and fauna. In the area of “Zaštićeni Pejsaž” the points and polygons) in GIS, on the MapIn-
(Protected landscape), four types of pine for- fo (shape file) software platform, we have creat-
ests were determined and classified, some rare ed a model data of the road route and important
examples of spruce (Piceetum montanum Illyri- sites. We have used the data to analyse and cre-
cum), then some mixed mesophilic forests, most- ate descriptive and metric data inside the data-
ly deciduous (common hornbeam, European base (such as route length, coordinates, and oth-
hop-hornbeam, common alder, European aspen, er metric data).1
wych elm, sycamore maple, beech, large-leaved
lime, fir, sessile oak), many medicinal and edible Review of some cultural-historical marks
herbs are also found on Konjuh, and endemic The appearance of the first humans in the area
species as: Euphorbia gregersenii, Viola beckiana, of Kladanj dates back to prehistoric ages. The
Halacsya sendtneri, Fumana bonapartei, Gyps- oldest confirmation about this is the drawings
ophyla spergulifolia, Potentilla visianii, Alyssum found in Djevojačka pećina, located near the
bertolonii subsp. Scutarinum (Ouzounov et al. modern settlement of Brateljevići (Basler, Mu-
2020, 15, 39-49). Bosnian iris (Iris bosniaca), can laomerović 1984, 5-7). Drawings contain horse
be found on the locality of Muška voda (Đug and deer riders, standing figures, and one every-
2013, 300-301). Many species of invertebrates day hunt scene. The drawings are damaged and
and bats, seven species of woodpecker, many were drawn over in later phases, complicating
mammal species, most important are: brown their complete reconstruction and determina-
bear (Ursus arctos), wild cat (Felix silvestris) and tion. Some of them may date back to Bronze Age
grey wolf (Canis lupus) are part of rich fauna of (Basler, Mulaomerović 1984, 7-9, T. I-IV).
Konjuh (Ouzounov et al. 2020, 69-86). Average
height of the mountain is 1000 m. Higher than Prehistorical fort ruins above the settle-
its average are the following peaks: Vina Kruška ments provide compelling confirmations about
(1088 m), Brezina (1120 m), Šuplji Javor (1157 m), humankind’s presence on the Konjuh and in the
Zidine (1180 m), Suho Drvlje (1206 m), Bijeli Vrh Kladanj area. One of them is above Gojsalići.
(1272 m), Zečiji rat (1275 m) and the peak of Kon- From the plateau of one of those forts, at 900 m
juh itself (1328 m). elevation, it was possible to observe the events in
the river valley of Drinjača. The fort is naturally
Project Methodology protected from three sides, and the fourth side,
The methodology included geodetic, photo- almost on the same level, is connected to the sur-
graphic, and descriptive documentation of the rounding high region of Konjuh. Access to the
Roman road route. GIS (geographical informa- fort plateau is only possible from the north-east-
tion system) technology was also used to create ern direction.2 Plateau is 300 m long and 50 m
databases and extensive fieldwork. This technol- wide. Descending from the plateau from the
ogy provided interoperability of data and creat- north-east direction towards the north, rem-
ed the graphic and alphanumeric database. nants of drywall are visible. It was constructed

In the beginning, georeferencing of Aus- 1 Financial support was provided by Italian NGO CISP
tro-Hungarian maps (rasters) of the old survey whose partners are Kladanj Municipality and Ministry of
of Kladanj area was performed on 15 maps which Spatial Planning and Environment TK.
were set up for the first time in the State coordi-
2 Thanks to our local guide Rifet Ahmetspahić, nature and
cultural heritage lover, who helped us visit the fort and its
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