Page 15 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 9(2) (2021)
P. 15
ia universitatis
following the roman road on mountain konjuh near kladanj 15
Figure 5. Significant Roman communications in Bosnia and Herzegovina (AL BiH 1988).

gle stećak tombstones were discovered, a total of Research Motives of Old Road
around 430 (Lovrenović 2008,193). Necropolis Communications on Konjuh
with 46 stećak tombstones was documented in
Gojsalići (AL BiH 1988, Tome 3, 70). This ne- I was inspired to research the old road commu-
cropolis is 1000 m away by air from the fort. Sev- nications on Konjuh by the assumptions of re-
eral single stećak tombstones were found on the searcher E. Pašalić, who, in his time, was dedi-
localities of Hrid, Pepići, Hajdari (Gojakovići), cated to studying this problem and gave a vast
Stanovi (Mošulj), Vitalj and Lijehe, 1000 m to scientific contribution to the clarification of Ro-
2000 m away from the fort near Gojsalići. man roads built in the area of modern Bosnia
and Herzegovina.
Also, several Ottoman tombstones were
discovered in the Kladanj area. These discover- In his elaboration of the road Salona-Ar-
ies are important because they are located next gentaria, E. Pašalić says: ”the road Salona-Ar-
to the remnants of communications dating gentaria in its ending part from the area of
back to Roman, Ottoman and Austro-Hungar- Breza-Dabravina-Vareš continued next to Olovo
ian times. and Kladanj towards rivers Drinjača and Drina”,
emphasizing that that direction is not explored
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