Page 14 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 9(2) (2021)
P. 14
dia universitatis her editati, letnik 9 (2021), številk a 2 / volume 9 (2021), number 2 14Figure 4. Gradina in Gojsalići, drywall remnants
(photo M. Imamović).
Figure 3. Gradina in Gojsalići, drywall remnants spring named Dobrača. Three more forts exist
(photo M. Imamović). in Kladanj municipality: one in Tuholj (Topo-
graphic map of Kladanj), another in Brgule and
from neatly laid down stones, and it is 15 m long, third between Pauč and Zagrađe (Register of PI
1.10 m wide and 15 cm to 30 cm high. Institute for Protection and Exploitation of Cul-
tural and Historical Heritage TK).
Further, another part of drywall remains
is 5 m long, 1.10 m wide, and 30 cm to 35 cm Markings of fort settlements conclude that
tall. Drywall contours are spreading from the there were roads through the modern settle-
north-northeast and are 100 m long (Imamo- ments in the Kladanj area, even in the prehistor-
vić 2020). Near the fort in Gojsalići there is a ical era. These roads usually went in natural di-
rections. It is common knowledge that the oldest
roads followed the well-trodden animal paths.
Animals in their everyday foraging created those
paths. Like that, humans from that age traced
the first roads by moving instinctively and with-
out a clear plan. Later, those roads would be re-
paired and maintained because of everyday hu-
man needs. Similar to their ancestors, it is quite
possible that Romans, during their road con-
struction in the area of Konjuh, followed the
natural directions of roads, giving advantage to
connecting of existing fort settlements. It was, in
any case, the most convenient and the simplest
way to lay the road routes. Terrain configuration
also forced them to adhere to such rules. We also
confirmed this by reconstructing Roman roads

Several proofs are witnessing the human ac-
tivity in the Kladanj area in medieval times. Sev-
eral necropolises of stećak tombstones and sin-
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