Page 41 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 10(2) (2022)
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ia universitatiscussions influenced the role of promotion of cultural širijo perspektivo dediščinskega turizma in ga selijo v
what do you r eally want? 41 heritage and especially archaeology in cultural tourism svet virtualne resničnosti.
and consumer culture. Ravno IKT naprave lahko na določenem področju po-
Consequently, we can today define heritage tourism trošnje kulturne dediščine, v našem fokusu v prime-
more narrowly as a phenomenon based on visitors’ mo- ru arheologije, omogočijo, da se pri razpravi o vključe-
tivations and perceptions rather than on specific site at- vanju oseb s posebnimi potrebami premik od razprave
tributes. This means that heritage tourism is not only o minoriziranih identitetah k skupni izkušnji. In v tre-
tourism in places categorized as heritage or histor- nutku, ko se prezentacija, to je potrošnja kulturne de-
ic places based purely on the fact that they present his- diščine, premakne iz »avtentičnih« materialnih oko-
tory, but history featured is part of the experience and lij in izkušenj v hiperrealistična digitalna, se zmanjšajo
partially links it with motivations for the trip. New per- razlike med zmožnostmi potrošnje med različnimi čla-
spectives of presentations, including the use of ICT de- ni družbe.
vices are broadening the perspective of heritage tourism
shifting it in to the world of virtual reality. References
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