Page 45 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 10(2) (2022)
P. 45
ia universitatis

museumaccessibility:developmentofgoodpracticeforthepromotionofarchaeologicalheritage 45
Figure 1: Parts of the Zagreb City Museum – Poor Clares’ Monastery Site in situ within the permanent display
of the Zagreb City Museum (photo: Miljenko Gregl, Zagreb City Museum).

and real inclusion in society. As a place open to tures during its 115 years, the last one in 1997. A
all social groups, which cooperates with various year later, the archaeological part of the perma-
associations and constantly promotes accessibil- nent exhibition was open. On 2,223 m² there are
ity for people with disabilities, the Zagreb City 4,500 exhibited objects, organized through 45
Museum is also recognized by the internation- themes, ranging from archaeology to the 20th
al museum community COME-IN!2 and at the century.3 It includes a part of the archaeological
end of 2020 was awarded the COME-IN! La- site presented in situ, explored from 1989 to 1997.
bel – an innovative promotional tool awarded This part of the museum is a unique place in the
to museums that have reached notable improve- town’s historic core where visitors can see orig-
ments in the field of accessibility. After that, the inal parts of the archaeological site and related
museum intensified its work on the adaptation objects. Archaeological remains are partly on the
of temporary showcases and museum spaces and ground floor, but about 300 m2 are in situ (fig. 1;
continued with the adaptation of the permanent Mašić 2007, 310–311). Because of this combined
exhibition to meet contemporary societal de- kind of presentation of archaeological heritage,
mands and create a museum which is a place for the museum’s permanent exhibition is unique in
everyone! the Zagreb area. Display of parts of the prehis-
toric settlement, pre-medieval rampart, and part
The Zagreb City Museum and work models of the late medieval settlement have immeasura-
with people with disabilities bly enriched the interpretation of the city’s old-
As a complex cultural and historical museum, est history.
the Zagreb City Museum has changed four lo-
cations and was situated in six permanent struc- 3 The Zagreb City Museum has 30 collections, 8 collec-
tions-donations to the City of Zagreb, a documentation
2 department, an IT department, a pedagogical-andragogi-
IN.html cal department, conservation-restoration workshops and a
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