Page 43 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 10(2) (2022)
P. 43
ia universitatisMuseum accessibility: development of good practice
43 for the promotion of archaeological heritage
Muzejska dostopnost: razvoj dobre prakse
za promocijo arheološke dediščine

Zrinka Mileusnić
University of Primorska, Faculty of Humanities, Slovenia
Aleksandra Bugar

Zagreb City Museum, Croatia

In the article, we present the importance of accessibility of archaeological heritage to all types of muse-
um visitors. Through the example of the previous activities of the Zagreb City Museum, we will focus
on good practices of promotion and cooperation between the museum and certain groups of visitors
with special needs, i.e. people with disabilities. We will focus on the exhibition project’s design concept
to promote archaeology for the entire public and the possibility of its upgrade. In doing so, we will look
back at the effects of completed activities so far but also warn about potential challenges and possible
ways to solve them.
Key words: archaeology, promotion, exhibition, people with disabilities, accessibility, inclusion

V članku predstavljamo pomen dostopnosti arheološke dediščine vsem tipom muzejskih obiskovalcev.
Na primeru dosedanjih aktivnosti Mestnega muzeja Zagreb se bomo osredotočili na dobre prakse pro-
mocije in sodelovanja med muzejem in določenimi skupinami obiskovalcev s posebnimi potrebami, tj.
invalidi. Posebno pozornost bomo namenili zasnovi razstavnega projekta z namenom promocije arhe-
ologije za celotno javnost in možnosti njene nadgradnje. Pri tem se bomo ozrli na učinke dosedanjih
opravljenih aktivnosti, hkrati pa opozorili na morebitne izzive in načine njihovega reševanja.
Ključne besede: arheologija, promocija, razstava, osebe s posebnimi potrebami, dostopnost, vključenost

Introduction ty. They operate and communicate ethical-
ly, professionally and with the participation
The new museum definition1 was approved of communities, offering varied experienc-
the Extraordinary General Assembly of es for education, enjoyment, reflection, and
ICOM in Prague on 24 August 2022: knowledge sharing.”

“A museum is a not-for-profit, permanent We must be aware that the new museum
institution in the service of society that re- definition is not an initial step, suggesting what
searches, collects, conserves, interprets and museums must become in the future. However,
exhibits tangible and intangible heritage. it is a reflection of the changes and adaptations
Open to the public, accessible and inclusive, museums have undergone and the definition of
museums foster diversity and sustainabili- their purpose and role in contemporary society.
Its importance also arises from the fact that the
1 ht t p s : //i c o m . mu s e u m /w p - c o nt e nt /u p l o a d s/2 0 22 /0 7/ process of defining a contemporary museum was
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