Page 51 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 10(2) (2022)
P. 51
ia universitatis

museumaccessibility:developmentofgoodpracticeforthepromotionofarchaeologicalheritage 51
Figure 8: Exhibition Zagreb in spe / Small Items – Great Stories – display cases with original exhibits, replicas of ob-
jects that blind people can touch, and abbreviated texts in braille (photo: Miljenko Gregl, Zagreb City Museum).

City before the City presented at the site of dis- Blind people experience world tactilely,
covery in situ have long been telling the story of and by feeling replicas they can create an idea
the complex archaeological and historical chang- of what the object looks like, what materials it
es of the city of Zagreb. With every new piece of is made from and what its surface and shape are
archaeological research Zagreb reveals new items like. Therefore, the chosen subjects, due to prac-
and stories. Which new story to choose to inter- ticality, were relatively small in format but are
est visitors and point them to the archaeological ideal for tactile exploration. Aesthetically they
potential and Zagreb’s ancient past? may seem imperfect because they are only con-
solidated, but they were chosen for other reasons
It was the starting point for creation of the that are important to archaeologists and muse-
exhibition Zagreb in spe / Small Items – Great ologists – each of these objects tells a unique sto-
Stories – it was conceived as an insight into the ry. They introduce us to a period that spans sev-
roots and development of the city. But not only eral thousand years, from prehistory to the Early
that - making the exhibition accessible for all Middle Ages. These are the periods that precede
visitors and adapted for people with disabilities our traditional understanding of the emergence
also guided the exhibition design and selection of the City as we know, namely the founding of
of items. Therefore, it is compressed as much as the Zagreb Diocese in 1094 and the Golden Bula
possible – from the large quantity of archaeo- charter of Bela IV to Gradec in 1242. This is Za-
logical materials held in Zagreb City Museum, greb in spe’ – a story less known for which writ-
those selected for this occasion were – only six. ten sources are scarce or missing entirely. We are
Six original items and six replicas.
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