Page 49 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 10(2) (2022)
P. 49
ia universitatisthe protected sign of the adaptation for people The Zagreb City Museum is part of the
with disabilities. The explanation is in the lob- international community of small and medi-
museumaccessibility:developmentofgoodpracticeforthepromotionofarchaeologicalheritage 49 by in front of the entrance to the permanent ex- um-sized museums COME-IN! The goal of
hibition. It includes essential explanations about COME-IN! project was to valorise the cultur-
the adaptation of the museum, in enlarged print, al heritage of Central Europe, with the desire
with the description in Croatian Braille and the to make small and medium-sized museums ac-
sculpture of the mole Talpa by Mladen Mikulin, cessible to visitors with disabilities. The project
which blind and partially sighted people, as well also encouraged these goals through the manu-
as everyone else, can feel. al for museum employees COME-IN! Guide /
Guidelines (in 6 languages), followed by seven
The museum’s permanent exhibition is re- pilot actions and educational training for muse-
plenished yearly with new Braille replicas and um employees.
texts. Currently, 42 replicas and 49 texts in
Braille are installed in the permanent display, Based on the experiences in the project,
which means that the adaptation, as mentioned an innovative promotional tool was created –
above, covers approximately 90% of the perma- COME-IN! label awarded to museums that
nent display. Work on adaptation continues. have done a lot in the field of accessibility was
Likewise, although controversial, we decided to also awarded to the Zagreb City Museum at
offer some original objects in the permanent ex- the end of 2020. The museum is recognised as
hibition, which are in good condition, conserved a place open to all social groups and cooperates
and preserved, to blind people to feel them: parts with various associations, and constantly pro-
of architectural plastic, metal doors of shops, motes accessibility for people with disabilities.
stone crowns of wells, metal parts of old bicy- After that, the Zagreb City Museum intensified
cles, baby carriages, bells and the like and sever- its work on adaptations of occasional exhibitions
al museographic aids such as old models of the and museum spaces. Moreover, it continued
city. For blind people, the experience of touch- with adaptations of the permanent exhibition
ing originals that are not particularly fragile is and the demands that this community promotes
invaluable. – a museum is a place for everyone! This started
the further evaluation process because the status
Dialogue through touch is a program that is temporary.
includes various educational actions - creative
workshops, lectures, exhibitions, events, hu- In the same year, the museum hosted the
manitarian campaigns and plays. If necessary, exhibition Stone on stone – Roman architecture
leaflets, catalogues of inclusive exhibitions in en- of northwestern Istria of the Maritime Muse-
larged print and exhibition texts are printed in um Sergej Mašera from Piran, an archaeologi-
Braille. International White Cane Day is regu- cal-themed exhibition, which was adjusted to
larly celebrated on October 15, and in 2022 we the height of the pedestals, texts in Braille, and
started celebrating the International Day of Per- enlarged print, replicas of objects and tactile rep-
sons with Disabilities on December 3rd. A Cro- resentations (floor plans) and to persons with
atian sign language translator is hired at all ex- disabilities. It incentivised the Zagreb City Mu-
hibition openings and major events and at the seum to design two exhibitions suitable for all
Open Day for people with disabilities on the and accessible to persons with disabilities.
first Tuesday of every month.
The first art exhibition of busts, Touching
An audio guide for blind and partially art – Mladen Mikulin6, opened in the summer
sighted visitors was introduced in 2012, and due of 2021 due to the height of the pedestals, texts
to outdated technology, it will be replaced by in Braille and enlarged print, and the fact that
more modern devices. As of 2020, the museum
website is digitally accessible. 6 The authors of the exhibition concept were Vesna Leiner,
museum consultant pedagogue and Aleksandra Bugar, se-
nior curator of the Zagreb City Museum.
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