Page 63 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 10(2) (2022)
P. 63
ia universitatisFigure 6. Ideal virtual reconstruction and visual restoration of the entrance from antechamber to the chamber
virtual accessibilit y of the macedonian tomb in ohr id 63 and the exit from the chamber (produced by K. Denkovski).
dren, persons with disabilities, seniors...) in the Palagia 2022), the tomb of Ohrid has a simple
promotion of the common quality of life associ- facade. Nevertheless, due to its solid construc-
ated with our social and cultural values. tion, the techniques of interior decoration and
the use of colours and stucco, it undoubtedly be-
Figure 7. 3D model of the Macedonian tomb in Ohrid longs to the Macedonian tombs with the near-
(produced by I. Malezanov). est example, the tomb of Pydna (Битракова
Conclusion Грозданова and Кузман 1999; cf. Stampou-
Macedonian tombs were luxurious funerary loglou et al. 2020). Consequently, an exception-
monuments for the Macedonian elite and aris- al dignitary and his wife were most likely buried
tocracy. In addition to ancient Macedonia, these in it (Кузман 2010, 58–59). Therefore, the inter-
tombs have been found in Thrace, Thessaly, Asia pretation that it is the burial of a historical fig-
Minor, and Euboea (Miller 1993; D’Angelo 2010; ure Aeropos, depicted in ancient written sources
Schmidt-Dounas 2016; Palagia 2022). In con- as the ruler of Lychnidos in the 3rd century BCE,
trast to the magnificent Macedonian tombs with has also been offered (Битракова Грозданова
attractive facades, such as those at Vergina, Pel- and Кузман 1999; Блажевска 2013, 677; Bitrak-
la, Agia Paraskevi, Agios Athanasios, etc. (An- ova Grozdanova 2021, 426). However, the so-
dronikos 1993; Sismanidis 1997; Tsimbidou-Av- called provinciality of the building, the reduc-
lonitou 2005; Stampouloglou et al. 2020; cf. tion of the architectural and decorative elements
as well as the simplicity of the facade speak for
a dating of the tomb into the 3rd century BCE,
which could be confirmed at least hypothetical-
ly by the assumption of lavish burial of Aeropos
at this place.
For many years this Macedonian tomb in
Ohrid was forgotten or neglected because it was
not accessible to the public. With the produc-
tion of the virtual reconstruction, a visual resto-
ration and the 3D model of the tomb, we wanted
to present to a wider public why this tomb is so
important for the whole Ohrid region. The fact
is the elite of Lychnidos were buried in the Mac-
edonian way in the 3rd century BCE, adopting
virtual accessibilit y of the macedonian tomb in ohr id 63 and the exit from the chamber (produced by K. Denkovski).
dren, persons with disabilities, seniors...) in the Palagia 2022), the tomb of Ohrid has a simple
promotion of the common quality of life associ- facade. Nevertheless, due to its solid construc-
ated with our social and cultural values. tion, the techniques of interior decoration and
the use of colours and stucco, it undoubtedly be-
Figure 7. 3D model of the Macedonian tomb in Ohrid longs to the Macedonian tombs with the near-
(produced by I. Malezanov). est example, the tomb of Pydna (Битракова
Conclusion Грозданова and Кузман 1999; cf. Stampou-
Macedonian tombs were luxurious funerary loglou et al. 2020). Consequently, an exception-
monuments for the Macedonian elite and aris- al dignitary and his wife were most likely buried
tocracy. In addition to ancient Macedonia, these in it (Кузман 2010, 58–59). Therefore, the inter-
tombs have been found in Thrace, Thessaly, Asia pretation that it is the burial of a historical fig-
Minor, and Euboea (Miller 1993; D’Angelo 2010; ure Aeropos, depicted in ancient written sources
Schmidt-Dounas 2016; Palagia 2022). In con- as the ruler of Lychnidos in the 3rd century BCE,
trast to the magnificent Macedonian tombs with has also been offered (Битракова Грозданова
attractive facades, such as those at Vergina, Pel- and Кузман 1999; Блажевска 2013, 677; Bitrak-
la, Agia Paraskevi, Agios Athanasios, etc. (An- ova Grozdanova 2021, 426). However, the so-
dronikos 1993; Sismanidis 1997; Tsimbidou-Av- called provinciality of the building, the reduc-
lonitou 2005; Stampouloglou et al. 2020; cf. tion of the architectural and decorative elements
as well as the simplicity of the facade speak for
a dating of the tomb into the 3rd century BCE,
which could be confirmed at least hypothetical-
ly by the assumption of lavish burial of Aeropos
at this place.
For many years this Macedonian tomb in
Ohrid was forgotten or neglected because it was
not accessible to the public. With the produc-
tion of the virtual reconstruction, a visual resto-
ration and the 3D model of the tomb, we wanted
to present to a wider public why this tomb is so
important for the whole Ohrid region. The fact
is the elite of Lychnidos were buried in the Mac-
edonian way in the 3rd century BCE, adopting