Page 64 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 10(2) (2022)
P. 64
dia universitatis her editati, letnik 10 (2022), številk a 2 / volume 10 (2022), number 2 64the innovations of Hellenistic monumental fu-struction, a visual restoration and the 3D model of the
nerary architecture. tomb, we wanted to present to a wider public, especial-
hereditati ly to persons with different types of disabilities, why this
Archaeological heritage belongs to all, and tomb is so historically important for the whole Ohrid
access to it should be guaranteed to all. The Eu- region. The tomb is now accessible to everyone for in-
ropean Commission (2003) sees accessibili- clusive learning and acquiring new knowledge about ar-
ty and inclusion as key to sustainable develop- chaeology, or simply as a tourist attraction of cultural
ment and believes that it enhances the quality and historical significance.
of life and makes the environment more livea-
ble (Kajda, Michalik and Kobiałka 2015). There- Povzetek
fore, it is necessary to provide people with disa-
bilities with various opportunities to participate Makedonska grobnica na Ohridu je eden najpomemb-
in economic, social and cultural life (UNESCO nejših arhitekturnih predstavnikov grobnih stavb iz
2020). Not only people with disabilities, but also helenističnega obdobja na ozemlju Severne Makedo-
the entire population is affected by accessibil- nije. Arhitekturno je sestavljena iz dromosa (hodnika),
ity: Parents of young children, the elderly, peo- preddverja in komore. Celotna grobnica je izdelana iz
ple with temporary mobility limitations, etc. kamnitih blokov brez veziva in je okrašena s štukatur-
The lack of accessibility prevents them from ex- nim okrasjem in ometom. Največjo površino pokriva
periencing and understanding their own herit- pompejanska rdeča barva, ki je bila najdena v srednjem
age. With the aim of increasing accessibility and pasu sten grobnice. Datirana je v 3. stoletje pr. n. št. in jo
making changes in this regard, we have succeed- je verjetno naročil prebivalec Lihnida, ki je pripadal ta-
ed in presenting the significant archaeological kratni aristokraciji ali vladarjem mesta. V notranjosti so
heritage of Ohrid to a wide audience and tour- bili najdeni sledovi dveh klinei, kar pomeni, da sta bili v
ists through virtual reconstruction and visual grobni komori pokopani dve osebi.
restoration. We believe that such an approach is Dolga leta je bila ta ohridska grobnica pozabljena in/
our future standard, both in the profession and ali zanemarjena, saj ni bila dostopna javnosti. Z izvedbo
in the promotion of the (in)accessible heritage. virtualne rekonstrukcije, vizualne obnove in 3D-mode-
la smo želeli širši javnosti, zlasti osebam z različnimi vr-
Summary stami invalidnosti, predstaviti, zakaj je ta grobnica tako
zagodovinsko pomembna za celotno ohridsko regijo.
The Macedonian tomb in Ohrid symbolises one of the Grobnica je zdaj dostopna vsem za vključujoče učenje
most important architectural representations of the in pridobivanje novih znanj ali preprosto kot turistična
tomb buildings from the Hellenistic period in the ter- znamenitost kulturnega in zgodovinskega pomena.
ritory of Northern Macedonia. Architecturally, the
tomb consists of a dromos, an antechamber and a cham- References
ber. The entire tomb is made of stone blocks without Andronikos, M. 1987. “Some Reflections on the
binding material and is decorated with stucco deco-
ration and mortar. The largest area is covered by Pom- Macedonian Tombs.” The Annual of the
peian red paint, which was found in the middle zone British School at Athens 82: 1–16. https://
of the tomb’s walls. The tomb is dated to the 3rd centu-
ry BCE and was probably commissioned by a resident Andronikos, M. 1993. Vergina. The Royal
of Lychnidos who belonged to the aristocracy or rulers Tombs. Athens: Ekdotike Athenon
of the city at that time. Traces of two klinai were found Битракова Грозданова, В. 1988. “Прилог за
inside, which means that two people were buried in the Via Egnatia на делницата Lychnidos –
chamber. Pons Servilii.” Лихнид 6: 37–52.
For many years this Macedonian tomb in Ohrid was Bitrakova Grozdanova, V. 2021. “The town
forgotten and/or neglected because it was not accessible of Lychnidos between the 3rd and 1st
to the public. With the realization of the virtual recon- centuries BC: New archaeological
nerary architecture. tomb, we wanted to present to a wider public, especial-
hereditati ly to persons with different types of disabilities, why this
Archaeological heritage belongs to all, and tomb is so historically important for the whole Ohrid
access to it should be guaranteed to all. The Eu- region. The tomb is now accessible to everyone for in-
ropean Commission (2003) sees accessibili- clusive learning and acquiring new knowledge about ar-
ty and inclusion as key to sustainable develop- chaeology, or simply as a tourist attraction of cultural
ment and believes that it enhances the quality and historical significance.
of life and makes the environment more livea-
ble (Kajda, Michalik and Kobiałka 2015). There- Povzetek
fore, it is necessary to provide people with disa-
bilities with various opportunities to participate Makedonska grobnica na Ohridu je eden najpomemb-
in economic, social and cultural life (UNESCO nejših arhitekturnih predstavnikov grobnih stavb iz
2020). Not only people with disabilities, but also helenističnega obdobja na ozemlju Severne Makedo-
the entire population is affected by accessibil- nije. Arhitekturno je sestavljena iz dromosa (hodnika),
ity: Parents of young children, the elderly, peo- preddverja in komore. Celotna grobnica je izdelana iz
ple with temporary mobility limitations, etc. kamnitih blokov brez veziva in je okrašena s štukatur-
The lack of accessibility prevents them from ex- nim okrasjem in ometom. Največjo površino pokriva
periencing and understanding their own herit- pompejanska rdeča barva, ki je bila najdena v srednjem
age. With the aim of increasing accessibility and pasu sten grobnice. Datirana je v 3. stoletje pr. n. št. in jo
making changes in this regard, we have succeed- je verjetno naročil prebivalec Lihnida, ki je pripadal ta-
ed in presenting the significant archaeological kratni aristokraciji ali vladarjem mesta. V notranjosti so
heritage of Ohrid to a wide audience and tour- bili najdeni sledovi dveh klinei, kar pomeni, da sta bili v
ists through virtual reconstruction and visual grobni komori pokopani dve osebi.
restoration. We believe that such an approach is Dolga leta je bila ta ohridska grobnica pozabljena in/
our future standard, both in the profession and ali zanemarjena, saj ni bila dostopna javnosti. Z izvedbo
in the promotion of the (in)accessible heritage. virtualne rekonstrukcije, vizualne obnove in 3D-mode-
la smo želeli širši javnosti, zlasti osebam z različnimi vr-
Summary stami invalidnosti, predstaviti, zakaj je ta grobnica tako
zagodovinsko pomembna za celotno ohridsko regijo.
The Macedonian tomb in Ohrid symbolises one of the Grobnica je zdaj dostopna vsem za vključujoče učenje
most important architectural representations of the in pridobivanje novih znanj ali preprosto kot turistična
tomb buildings from the Hellenistic period in the ter- znamenitost kulturnega in zgodovinskega pomena.
ritory of Northern Macedonia. Architecturally, the
tomb consists of a dromos, an antechamber and a cham- References
ber. The entire tomb is made of stone blocks without Andronikos, M. 1987. “Some Reflections on the
binding material and is decorated with stucco deco-
ration and mortar. The largest area is covered by Pom- Macedonian Tombs.” The Annual of the
peian red paint, which was found in the middle zone British School at Athens 82: 1–16. https://
of the tomb’s walls. The tomb is dated to the 3rd centu-
ry BCE and was probably commissioned by a resident Andronikos, M. 1993. Vergina. The Royal
of Lychnidos who belonged to the aristocracy or rulers Tombs. Athens: Ekdotike Athenon
of the city at that time. Traces of two klinai were found Битракова Грозданова, В. 1988. “Прилог за
inside, which means that two people were buried in the Via Egnatia на делницата Lychnidos –
chamber. Pons Servilii.” Лихнид 6: 37–52.
For many years this Macedonian tomb in Ohrid was Bitrakova Grozdanova, V. 2021. “The town
forgotten and/or neglected because it was not accessible of Lychnidos between the 3rd and 1st
to the public. With the realization of the virtual recon- centuries BC: New archaeological